12 a0po;, "from" or "after."

13 i.e. some Hebrew Christian.

14 a0potumpani/sqhsan.

15 The children of the widow of Sarepta, and the Shunamite, had been brought back to continue this life of temptation and sorrow; it was a "better" kind of "Resurrection" which the prophets sought to obtain themselves.

16 a0potumpanismo/j. For instances of this meaning of the word, see Mr. Field's annot.

17 e 0le/gcai, the word used of St. John Baptist reproving Herod, Luke iii. 19.

18 The common texts add the explanatory words, "For this cause also he said, `Of whom the world was not worthy. 0' "

19 fronei=n mei/zw.

20 fronw=men.

21 See above, p. 475, note 3.

22 [The two names being the same in Greek. Cf. Heb. iv. 8, 'Ihsou@j.-F. G.]

23 kairi/w.

24 dioikei=: so Tertullian in the well-known words: Adv. Prax. 16.

25 See above, p. 314.

26 yelli/zontoj.

27 nh/fein.

28 a!grupnoj.

1 ou[toj. Mr. F. observes that St. Chrys. more usually cites the text without ou[toj.

2 a0pagoreu/ein ta\ kaq' e9.

3 "ill-treated," kakouxou/menoi.

4 a0moibh=j, i.e. the accepting sufferings instead of an easy life.

5 martu/rwn o!gkon. St. Chrys. connects o!gkon with martu/rwn and takes pa/nta as a neuter plural; the words of the Apostle, tosou=ton e!xontej perikei/menon h$mi=n ne/foj, martu/rwn o!gkon, a0poqe/menoi pa/nta, he would understand thus, "Seeing we are compassed about with so great a cloud, a load of witnesses, let us lay aside all things," &c. [But previously he has connected with ge/foj, so that the present. connection with o!gkon was probably an afterthought on the spur of the moment.-F. G.]

6 peri/stasin paqei=n.

7 e0pegnw/sqhn.

8 lu/phj.

9 the human nature.

10 skw/mmata.

11 ei0rwnei/aj.

12 ta;.

13 ta;.

14 [The insertion of e0ndiwgmoi=j here appears to be entirely without authority, and was probably a slip of memory.-F. G.]

15 a9plw=j kai\ ei0kh=.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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