23 [St. Chrys. might seem here to be casting contempt upon the laws of the Old Dispensation; but he probably means that while they were fitting enough as parts of the temporary ceremonial law, they have no such foundation in nature as to remain of any force under the Christian Dispensation.-F. G.]
25 kenw=sai. This word is used commonly by St. Chrys. for giving away one's whole property in charity, and probably that is its meaning here.
27 e0pikouri/a: see 1 Tim. v. 17, &c.
29 That is, Remember them, because of the continual presence and working of Christ in His Church.
30 or, "intricate and complicated," polu/plokon.
33 parath/rhsij; see Gal. iv. 10, "Ye observe (parathrei=sqe) days," &c.
34 e@sti parathrei=sqai: potius sibi cavendum est, is Mr. Field's translation; "to be guarded," as we say.
36 deiknu\j o#ti ou0k e0kei=na a9plw=j h\n, a0lla\ kai\ au0th\ h9 oi0konomi/a e@cw pa/qouj h\n.
37 a9giasmou=. The effect of the sprinkling with blood. See c. ix. 12, 13, &c.; x. 10, 14.
38 That is, "to the Name of the Son."
39 e0pilabw/meqa, "taken hold of."
40 e@ktisij, see above, Hom. v. [6.] p. 391.
43 qli=yij, literally "pressing": probably St. Chrys. had in mind a word of the text which he does not cite, teqlimme/nh h9 o9do/j.
46 [See above, pp. 442, 459, 460, 517. St. Chrysostom in his bitter banishment finished his last prayer "with his usual thanksgiving, `Glory to God for all things0' and sealed it with a final Amen." Dr. Bright, Hist. of Church, between a.d. 313 and 451, chapter ix. end, p. 255 and Dr. Bright's note b. on the same page.]
2 It will be observed that St. Chrysostom uses "rulers" (a@rxontej) and the cognate words, of spiritual rulers.
4 i.e. the rulers, see ver. 7.
5 stena/zontej. It will be observed that St. Chrys. dwells much on this word: and also that he understands the "do this" of "watching for souls"; not as the English version might lead us to understand it, of the "giving account."
7 Those who are ordained against their will by actual force; as frequently occurred in the age of St. Chrysostom.
8 kinduneu/w seems here as elsewhere in writers of this age to imply actual suffering as well as danger; so in this discourse. [1.]
9 eu0la/beian. That is, by submitting to the will of God thus manifested, and receiving ordination.
12 e0n pa=sin, see below. [The construction of e0n pa=si with what follows, "in all things willing (wishing) to live honestly," both in the A. V. and the R. V. is undoubtedly correct; but St. Chrysostom has taken it as connected with the preceding clause. -F. G.]
14 kaphlei/aj, see St. Chrys. on 2 Cor. ii. 17.
15 [The R. V. here follows the reading e0n h9mi=n adopted by many critical authorities.-F. G.]
16 By saying that he would come with Timothy, as if Timothy were his superior; see the further comment, in the next section.
17 or, "released," "gone," or, "come away," a0polelume/non.
18 See Acts xvii. 16; xviii. 5.
19 St. Chrys. here recurs to ver. 21.
21 Here as elsewhere St. Chrys. does not expressly mentions any "secondly," but after treating the remaining verses recurs to the subject in speaking on the words "Grace be with you": and there indicates a second evidence.
22 See 2 Thess. ii. 17. "Stablish you in every good word and work." Probably St. Chrys. had this in his mind.
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