4 Cor. xiii. 9, Cor. xiii. 12.

5 Cf. Eph. ii. 19.

6 Phil. iii. 15.

7 Rom. viii. 24, Rom. viii. 25.

8 1 Cor. vii. 7.

9 Cf. Letter 10, §4.

10 Ps. lxvi. 11, Ps. lxvi. 12; Ps. iv. 1.

11 Ib. cxx. 5, LXX.

12 2 Cor. xii. 21.

13 Cor. xi. 1.

14 1 Tim. ii. 7.

15 Cf. Letter ii. §1, and Letter iii. §5.

16 Vid. Letter vii. 8, note 17.

17 Deut. vi. 4.

18 Heb. xi. 6.

19 Is. lv. 6, Is. lv. 7.

20 Herm. Mand. 1.

21 John i. 1.

22 2 Tim. iii. 14; 2Tim. ii. 8.

23 1 Tim. iv. 15.

24 The Syriac word here rendered not merely formal is one which stems to take no other meaning than `inexpiable'-a sense scarcely admissible in this place. The Greek was probably agaphn proj auton axwriston kai ouk afosioumnhn. This supposition would account for the Syriac misapprehension of the word.

25 Rom. viii. 35.

26 The Syriac text from here to the words, `There is also such a proverb as this' (end of §), was discovered after Cureton's edition of the Syriac, and is absent in Larsow.

27 Cor. vi 17.

28 Ps. cxxv. 1; 1 Cor. x. 4; Matt. vii. 25.

29 Matt. xiii. 22.

30 Ps. xxxviii. 12.

31 Prov. xix. 27, LXX.

32 Is. lix. 3, Is. lix. 4.

33 Ib. lix. 4, 5.

34 Ib. lix. 9-11.

35 Heb. iv. 12.

36 Ps. lvii. 4.

37 Ib. xxxvii. 15; Prov. v. 22.

38 Ps. ii. 1.

39 The parallel clause of this sentence would seem to determine that by `Life' here we must understand Christ.

40 aloga kata tou Logou tou Patroj Cf. Suicer. Thes. s.v. Llogoj tom. i. p, 199.

41 Is. iii. 9, Is iii. 10, LXX.; cf Wisd. ii. 12.

42 Eccl. x. 8.

43 Ps. ix. 15.

44 Ib. xxxv. 8.

45 1 Cor. ii. 8.

46 Matt. xiii. 52; Deut. vi. 7.

47 Ps. i. 1.

48 Ib. xlix. 3; cxliii. 5; lxiii. 6.

49 Ib. xix. 14.

50 Ib. xix. 14.

51 Ib. cxxv. 1, LXX.

52 Exod. xiv. 14.

53 Rom. xii. 12.

54 Ps. cxix. 143.

55 Ib. cxix. 148.

56 Matt. v. 28, Matt. v. 22.

57 2 Tim. iii. 17.

58 1 Tim. iv. 7, 1 Tim. 1v. 8.

59 Cf. Letter 3, §3, note 17; Apol. Const. 76.

60 Ps. xiv. 1, Ps. xiv. 2.

61 Jer. ix. 2.

62 Cf. John vii. 17.

63 2 Tim, ii. 16, 2 Ti ii. 17.

64 Ib. ii. 18.

65 Ib. iii. 12.

66 Ib. iii. 14.

67 1 Tim. iv. 7.

68 1 Tim. iv. 7, 1 Tim. iv. 8.

69 Rom. xvi. 18.

70 2 Tim. ii. 19.

71 Exod. viii. 26.

72 2 Cor. vi. 17.

73 The Syriac appears to be a translation of krathsei thj omologiaj thj pistewj (cf. Heb. iv. 14).

74 1 Thess. v. 16-18.

75 Ps. xcv. 1.

76 Ib. xix. 4; Mal. i. 11.

77 For a parallel passage to this, vid. Letter x. 2.

78 Cf. Letter x. 2, note 9. Vid. also John vii. 39; Rom. v. 9; John xx. 11.

79 Ps. xc. 14, LXX.

80 Matt. v. 11, Matt. v. 12.

81 Ps. xliv. 17.

82 Matt. xxv. 21.

83 Syr. upoqesij. Cf. Letter x. 2, note 8.

84 Ps. ii. 4.

85 Luke xxiii. 28.

86 Cf. de Incarn. §50.

87 Rom. v. 12.

88 1 Cor. xv. 53.

89 Ib. v. 7.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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