685 De suis saeculis detrahentem. The text is clearly corrupt, and no satisfactory emendation has yet been suggested.
686 So the author of II. Peter speaks of God "tartartizing the angels that sinned" (ii. 4).
687 I.e. her conduct justified her official title.
690 Paulina, chief priestess of Ceres.
691 In the Roman mythology the abode of gods and heroes. Cf. Ovid, M. i. 175, 176.
696 Vide the preceding Letter.
701 Probably Marcella before she was married.
708 #Onw lura was a Greek proverb.
709 Reading nec diligentiam instead of et.
712 The reference is to Letter XXII.
716 Perhaps an allusion to the Greek proverb, onoj luraj hkouse kai salpiggoj uj. "The ass listened to the lyre, and the pig to the trumpet."
717 Rom. xii. 11, Rom. xii. 12. The reading kuriw "Lord" is probably correct. The R.V. says, "Some ancient authorities read the opportunity," (kairw).
719 1 Tim. v. 19, 1 Tim. v. 20.
721 Jerome's detractors suggested this word instead of the simpler "ass" in Zech. ix. 9 and Matt. xxi. 2-5. The phrase "Gallican geldings" appears to be a quotation from Plaut. Aul. iii. 5, 21.
729 I.e. the day of his martyrdom, his heavenly nativity.
738 Celebrated for his campaigns against Mithridates, and also as a prince of epicures.
741 Rev. iii. 15, Rev. iii. 16.
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