938 Gen. xii. 1.

939 I.e. Babel-Gen. xi. 9.

940 Gen. x. 11.

941 Gen. xi. 2, Gen. xi. 4.

942 Ps. cxxxvii. 1.

943 Ezek. viii. 3.

944 Deut. xi. 10.

945 Rom. xiv. 2.

946 Deut. xi. 14.

947 Dt. xi. 11.

948 Luke i. 26-31, Luke i. 39.

949 1 Sam. xvii. 49.

950 1 Sam. xviii. 6, 1 Sam. xviii. 7.

951 1 Chron. xxi. 15, 1 Chron. xxi. 18; 2 Chron. iii. 1.

952 Gen. xiv. 18.

953 Mysterium christianum in salvatoris sanguine et corpore dedicavit.

954 Cant. ii. 4 b, Vulg. Hebrew = A.V.

955 I.e. the place of a skull (Latin, Calvaria).

956 One of Jerome's fanciful ideas. Haddam srh

is the Hebrew for "the blood."

957 o prwtoplastoj = "the first-formed." The word is applied to Adam in Wisd. vii. 1.

958 Eph. v. 14.

959 Cf. Hymns Ancient and Modern, No. 235. "Truly Jerusalem name we that shore Vision of peace that brings joy evermore."

960 Hebrew, Shelomoh, connected with shalem, peace.

961 Ps. lxxvi. 2, LXX.

962 Ps. lxxxvii. 1, Ps. lxxxvii. 2.

963 Matt. xxiii. 37, Matt. xxiii. 38.

964 Matt. xxvii. 51.

965 Bellum Judaicum, vi. 5.

966 Rom. v. 20.

967 Matt. xxviii. 19.

968 Acts xiii. 46.

969 Sacramentum.

970 Luke xix. 41.

971 Joh. xi. 35, Joh. xi. 36.

972 Heb. ix. 3-5.

973 John xx. 6, John xx. 7, John xx. 12.

974 I.e. Joseph of Arimathaea.-Joh. xix. 38 sqq.

975 Isa. xi. 10.

976 Rev. xi. 7, Rev. xi. 8, R.V.

977 Rev. xi. 2.

978 Rev. xi. 7, Rev. xi. 8.

979 Rev. xxi. 16-18.

980 Gen. iv. 17.

981 Ezek. xvi. 55.

982 Deut. xxix. 23.

983 A.V. "the Lord."

984 Jude 5.

985 Jude 6.

986 Jude 7.

987 Matt. xxvii. 51, Matt. xxvii. 53.

988 E.g. Origen in his commentary on the passage.

989 Ps. cxxxii. 7.

990 Matt. v. 35.

991 Matt. xxv. 41.

992 Acts xx. 16.

993 Acts xxi. 13.

994 Cicero of Caecilius (in Q. Caec. xii.).

995 Luke xvii. 21.

996 Virgil, E. i. 67.

997 Luke xvii. 37.

998 Cf. Matt. xix. 30.

999 Rom. xiv. 4.

1000 Matt. vii. 1.

1001 Luke ii. 7.

1002 Otherwise called the capitol. Here stood the great temple of Jupiter, which was to the religion of Rome what the Parthenon was to that of Athens.

1003 Rev. xvii. 4, Rev. xvii. 5, Rev. xvii. 9; Rev. i. 15; Rev. xvii.; Rev. xviii.

1004 Rev. xviii. 4.

1005 Jer. li. 6.

1006 Rev. xviii. 2.

1007 Joh. xix. 25.

1008 Acts i. 9, Acts i. 12.

1009 Joh. xi. 43, Joh. xi. 44.

1010 Matt. iii. 13.

1011 Luke ii. 8.

1012 1 K. ii. 10.

1013 "Who was among the herdsmen of Tekoa"-Am. i. 1.

1014 Sarah, Rebekah, Leah-Gen. xlix. 31.

1015 Acts viii. 36.

1016 2 K. xiii. 21.

1017 1 K. xviii. 3, 1 K. xviii. 4.

1018 Lit. "sprout." In Isa. xi. 1 it is rendered by A.V. "branch."

1019 Joh. ii. 1-11.

1020 Matt. xvii. 1-9.

1021 Matt. xiv. 15, sqq.

1022 Matt. xv. 32, sqq.

1023 Luke vii. 11, sqq.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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