1482 i.e., Nineveh-Nahum iii. 1.
1484 The name strictly means `embrace.0'
1486 Hab. iii. 3, Hab. iii. 4.
1487 Strictly `the Lord guards0' or `hides.0'
1489 So RV. marg. Probably a place in Jerusalem.
1492 So Vulg. `the desire0' AV.
1494 Strictly `the Lord is mindful.0'
1495 i.e., Joshua the High Priest.
1498 Zech. iv. 2, Zech. iv. 3.
1502 This word is not in the Vulg.
1503 Mal. i. 10, Mal. i. 11, RV.
1507 Lamentations cc. I.-IV., each verse in which begins with a different letter of the alphabet.
1511 i.e. the feast of Purim-Esth. ix. 20-32.
1512 Paraleipomena, the name given in the LXX. to the books of Chronicles.
1513 Veteris instrumenti 'epitomh.
1516 Quadriga. cf Irenaeus, Adv. Haer. III. ii. 8.
1517 Clement of Alexandria, following Philo, makes cherub mean wisdom.
1525 i.e. those of Rome, Corinth, Galatia, Ephesus, Philippi, Colosse, Thessalonica.
1527 Col. iv. 14; 2 Cor. viii. 18.
1529 A verbose rhetorician mentioned by Cic. de Inv. i. 6.
1530 Eusebius of Cremona, who for the next five years remained with Jerome, and afterwards corresponded with him from Italy. See Letter LVII. Rufinus, Apol. i. 19. Jerome, Apol. iii. 4, 5, etc.
1537 The last king of Lydia, celebrated for his riches.
1539 Lucius Furius Camillus, the hero who conquered Veii and freed Rome from the Gauls.
1541 Horace, A. P. 94: the allusion is to a scene in the Heauton Timorumenus of Terence.
1545 Ps. xlv. 10, Ps. xlv. 11.
1550 Numb. xi. 20, Numb. xi. 31-4.
1552 Furia's sister-in-law Blaesilla was through her mother Paula descended from the Gracchi. See Letter CVIII.
1557 Propositum. The word was passing from the meaning of a purpose into that of a formal vow.
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