1864 Ex. xxxi. 2, Ex. xxxi. 3.

1865 1 K. vii. 14. A mistake of Jerome. It was Hiram's father who was a Tyrian.

1866 Hippias of Elis. See Cic. Or. iii. 32.

1867 Conciliabula.

1868 1 Pet. i. 24.

1869 A similar phrase occurs in Letter CXVIII.

1870 Plato, Phaedo xii. Cic. T. Q. 1. 31.

1871 1 Cor. xv. 31, Vulgate.

1872 Gen. v. 27.

1873 Virg. G. iii. 66-68.

1874 Died 361 a.d.

1875 Julian.

1876 Died 363 a.d.

1877 Died 364 a.d.

1878 Died 375 a.d.

1879 Burned to death in a hut after the battle of Adrianople, 378 a.d.

1880 Died 383 a.d. by the hand of Andragathius.

1881 Strangled by Arbogastes at Vienne, 392 a.d.

1882 Aspirants to the purple who were put to death, the first by Valens, the second and third by Theodosius.

1883 Hor. C. II. x. 11, 12.

1884 Banished by Eutropius who had owed his advancement to him.

1885 The prime minister of Theodosius I. Shortly after the accession of Arcadius Gainas the Goth procured his assassination.

1886 One of the generals of Theodosius I., banished to the Oasis at the instigation of Eutropius.

1887 Virg. A. ii. 369.

1888 i.e. the Huns have taken the place of the Chaldaeans described in Hab. i. 8, LXX.

1889 Virg. A. vi. 625-7.

1890 Jer. xxvii. 6.

1891 2 K. xix. 35.

1892 2 Chr. xx. 5-25.

1893 Ex. xvii. 11.

1894 Jornandes corroborates the account of the Huns here given by Jerome.

1895 Isa. xxx. 17.

1896 Herod. vii. cc. 45, 46.

1897 1 Cor. xiii. 4, 1 Cor. xiii. 7, 1 Cor. xiii. 8.

1898 Bishop of Aquileia. His brother Eusebius was also a bishop.

1899 1 Th. v. 21. "Prove all things," Vulg. and A. V.

1900 Probably Aterbius (for whom see Jerome Apol. iii. 33, and note on Letter LXXXVI.) had brought with him some test-formula of orthodoxy which he called upon all anti-Origenists to sign.

1901 Isa. vi. 2. See Letter XVIII.

1902 A disciple of Cleanthes and Zeno, and after them the leading teacher of the Stoic school at Athens. He was born in 280 a.d.

1903 This expression is given in Greek.

1904 The father of Vigilantius is said by Jerome to have been an inn-keeper.

1905 onw lura

1906 Jerome subsequently (Letter CIX.) nicknamed his opponent Dormitantius (`the Sleepy One 0'), his own name Vigilantius meaning `the Wakeful. 0'

1907 Dan. ii. 34, Dan. ii. 45.

1908 Isa. xiv. 14.

1909 1 Th. v. 21.

1910 Is. v. 20.

1911 See note on Letter LVIII.

1912 Luke xviii. 2-5.

1913 Heb. xii. 6.

1914 Rom. i. 8.

1915 That of the Origenists.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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