1917 Quoted from a poet in the Latin Anthology.
1919 Paula and her two daughters, Paulina and Eustochium.
1925 i.e., continence in marriage.
1928 The respective meanings of Benoni and Benjamin.
1931 Ichabod means `there is no glory0'; glory being (apparently) a synonym for the ark.
1938 Viz. the treatise entitled Of Work and Alms.
1940 Ecclus. iv. 25. Est confusio adducens peccatum: et est confusio adducens gloriam et gratiam, Vulg. Jerome probably quotes from memory. AV. follows the Greek and the Vulg.
1942 Cf. Jer. i. 18. Ezek. iii. 8, Ezek. iii. 9.
1945 Cf. the remark of Aeneas Silvius that "men should be given to places not places, to men."
1946 Palma, i.e. tunica palmata.
1961 Cf. Dt. xxi. 11, Dt. xxi. 12.
1963 Cant. ii. 6. AV. "his' for `her.0'
1964 Jerome is thinking of Ruth.
1965 1 Cor. i. 30: Heb. xii. 14.
1968 What was the mistake? Did the orator say, "Well enough if fast enough"? The text seems obscure.
1973 Cf. Cant. i. 7, Cant. ii. 5, Cant. v. 2.
1975 Isa. vii. 14, Isa. vii. 15.
1976 Ps. lxviii. 14, Vulg. (acc. to some mss.). Intermedios cleros-the lot or inheritance-with an allusion perhaps to the word clergy formed from clerus.
1977 Perhaps an allusion to Isa. viii. 1. Mahershalal-hash-baz `Spoil speedeth, prey hasteth.0'
1978 i.e. the oak of Mature under which he entertained the three angels (Gen. xviii. 1-8).
1980 Beth-lehem means `house of bread.0'
1983 The letter Y. Cf. Pers. iii. 56, 57 and Conington's note.
1985 i.e. Kirjathsepher close to Hebron (Josh. xv. 13-15) where Sarah was buried.
1987 An allusion to the name of Abraham's heir, Isaac or `laughter0' (Gen. xxi. 3, Gen. xxi. 6).
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