1998 Ps. lxxiii. 13, Ps. lxxiii. 15.
2003 Ezek. xvi. 42. In the Vulgate the tenses are different, but the sense is substantially the same.
2008 Heraclius, a deacon of Pannonia, who had been sent to Bethlehem by his bishop Amabilis to procure from Jerome a long promised commentary on the Visions of Isaiah. This, which Jerome subsequently incorporated as book V. in his complete work on the prophet, Heraclius succeeded in obtaining from him. See the Preface to the Commentary.
2013 Ex. xii. 29, Ex. xii. 30, Ex. xii. 38.
2014 The Cainites appear to have denied the efficacy of the atonement.
2021 This synod held in 359 a.d. was attended by about 450 bishops. It put forth an Arian formula which caused general consternation. "The whole world," says Jerome, "groaned and was astonished to find itself Arian."
2022 See note on Letter LXI. 3.
2026 Rendered `elders0' in AV.
2027 Cf. Rom. i. 26, Rom. i. 27.
2029 A Scottish tribe, cannibals according to Jerome (Against Jov. ii. 7.)
2032 Matt. xxiii. 23, Matt. xxiii. 24, RV.
2038 Lev. xxi. 7, Lev. xxi. 13.
2040 Cf. Ph. ii. 14, Ph. ii. 15.
2042 Isa. xxvii. 11, LXX. AV. follows the Hebrew.
2045 Prov. xxxi. 10, Prov. xxxi. 11.
2049 i.e. that of strained interpretations.
2050 V. Dict. Ant. s. v. stola and cf. Cic. Phil. ii. 18, 44.
2052 It is hardly necessary to remark that this derivation is purely fanciful and has no foundation in fact.
2055 Query a reference to Isa. xl. 12: the Latin is obscure.
2058 Ezek. xlvii. 1, Ezek. xlvii. 8.
2059 Gen. viii. 8, Gen. viii. 11.
2063 udrofobouj et lymphaticos faciunt.
2064 Exod. xv. 23-27; Luke x. i.
2065 Gen. xxvi. 15, Gen. xxvi. 18.
2067 1 Kings i. 38; 2 Chron. xxxii. 30.
2068 Gen. xxiv. 15, Gen. xxiv. 16.
2069 Gen. xxix. 10, Gen. xxix. 11.
2071 Exod. ii. 16, Exod. ii. 17.
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