2249 A writer of the sub-apostolic age who had been a disciple of the apostle John. He was bishop of Hierapolis in Phrygia.
2250 Another sub-apostolic writer who was also a disciple of John. He became bishop of Smyrna and underwent martyrdom at the age of 86.
2251 See note on Letter XXXIII.
2252 The blind theologian of Alexandria by whose teaching Jerome had himself profited. See Letter XXXIV.
2253 The old testament as translated direct from the Hebrew.
2255 This work Jerome accomplished between the years 383 and 390 a.d. Only the Psalter and Job are extant.
2256 This task he undertook at the request of pope Damasus in 383 a.d. See Letter XXVII.
2258 At this time the communion was celebrated daily at Constantinople, in Africa, and in Spain. At Rome it was celebrated on every day of the week except Saturday (the Sabbath). See Socrates, H.E. v. 22.
2259 A leading Roman churchman, bishop of Portus, in the early part of the third century, the rival and enemy of pope Callistus and author of many theological treatises, one of which-the Refutation of all Heresies-has recently become famous.
2260 Compare the similar advice given by Gregory the Great to Augustine of Canterbury (Bede, H. E. 1. 27).
2261 Nothing in the book of Acts bears out this statement. Fasting at the times mentioned was forbidden in Jerome's day.
2262 Daily if you will and on fast days as well as on feast days.
2265 i.e. the period of fifty days between Easterday and Whitsunday. See Letter XLI.
2269 Hos. xiii. 15, Vulg. Quia ipse inter fratres dividet. AV. follows the Hebrew.
2270 Hos. xiii. 14, Hos. xiii. 15.
2277 Ps. lxxvi. 2. "Salem" (A.V.), the Hebrew word for peace.
2278 See Jerome's Book of Hebrew Names Cf. also Letter CVIII.
2286 Probably as revived by Priscillian, who was put to death 385. See Jerome On Illustrious Men, c. 121.
2287 These terms, the meanings of which are very uncertain, are either the names of aeons or magical formulae used by the Marcosians in the celebration of their mysteries.
2288 A gnostic of the school of Valentinus, who taught in the middle of the second century. Jerome is in error when he describes him as a disciple of Basilides.
2289 2 Tim. iii. 6, 2 Tim. iii. 7.
2290 An error for `two hundred years ago.0'
2291 Is. xxxiii. 15. Jerome's allusion may be to the execution of Priscillian in 385. Lucinius may have shared the views of Ambrose and Martin against the shedding of blood.
2297 Dan. iv. 13. Lit. May Hir, that is the watcher, Hir being the Hebrew word.
2300 1 Tim. iii. 6. AV. adapted.
2304 Ps. cxxxii. 1, Vulg. AV. has `afflictions.0'
2306 Eccl. iv. 9-12. The last clause is Jerome's own.
2309 Cicero ascribes this piece of fanaticism to Democritus and Metrodorus.
2313 The legendary oppressor of the Jews, whose fate is described in the Book of Judith.
2316 Nu. xxxiii. 47, Nu. xxxiii. 48.
2320 Josh. viii. 10, Josh. xi. 10.
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