2391 Also named Nebridius, Prefect of Gaul, then of the East.

2392 See letter CXXIV.

2393 Luke xviii. 1-5.

2394 Aelia Flaccilla, the wife of Theodosius who is here called "the unvanquished emperor."

2395 Salvina was the daughter of Gildo who at the time was tributary king of Mauritania.

2396 Acts x. 1, Acts x. 2.

2397 Wisdom iv. 11, Wisdom iv. 14.

2398 Acts x. 34, Acts x. 35.

2399 Matt. viii. 10.

2400 Gen. xli. 42-44.

2401 Gen. xli. 50-52.

2402 Eccl. vii. 12.

2403 Matt. xix. 23, Matt. xix. 24.

2404 Mark x. 27.

2405 1 Tim. vi. 17-19: AV. has "eternal life" in the last verse.

2406 Animal tortuosum. The epithet recurs in Letter CVII.

2407 Ps. lv. 6.

2408 Matt. xiii. 31, Matt. xiii. 32.

2409 Isa. lx. 6.

2410 Gen. xxxvii. 25.

2411 Jer. viii. 22.

2412 So the Vulgate renders Zaphnath-Paaneah the name given to Joseph by Pharaoh. (Gen. xli. 45).

2413 Horace, Epist. I. vii. 30, 31.

2414 1 Tim. vi. 9.

2415 Matt. xix. 21.

2416 Luke xvi. 9.

2417 Matt. iv. 18-22.

2418 2 Cor. viii. 14.

2419 1 Tim. vi. 8.

2420 Ecclus. iii. 30.

2421 Cf. Dan. iii. 25.

2422 Gen. xxxix. 12.

2423 The allusion is to the word "officer" in Gen. xxxvii. 36. See AV. margin.

2424 Rom. vii. 23.

2425 Arcadius and Honorius.

2426 Isa. xl. 6.

2427 Gen. iii. 19.

2428 Wisd. iv. 9.

2429 Wisd. iv. 13.

2430 Virg. A. iii. 490.

2431 Virg. G. iv. 82.

2432 Arcadius.

2433 Eudoxia.

2434 Ps. cxxvii. 3.

2435 1 Tim. v. 9, 1 Tim. v. 10.

2436 The three degrees of chastity are those of a virgin, a widow, and a wife.

2437 1 Tim. iv. 12.

2438 Gal. ii. 9, Gal. ii. 10.

2439 Cf. 1 Tim. v. 3.

2440 1 Tim. ii. 15. AV. has `sobriety 0' for `chastity. 0'

2441 1 Tim. v. 22.

2442 1 Tim. v. 6.

2443 Acts ix. 15.

2444 2 Cor. xiii. 3, Vulg.

2445 Rom. vii. 19.

2446 1 Cor. ix. 27.

2447 1 K. iii. 3.

2448 Many drew a distinction between the flesh of quadrupeds and that of birds, abstaining from the former but using the latter.

2449 1 Tim. iv. 4.

2450 Rom. xiv. 21.

2451 Eph. v. 18.

2452 1 Cor. vii. 34.

2453 Virgil, Aen. iv. 28, 29.

2454 Dido, queen of Carthage.

2455 Quoted from Tertullian (ad Mart. IV.). The same words recur in Letters CVII. and CXXX.

2456 Prov. iv. 23.

2457 Matt. xv. 19.

2458 Gen. viii. 21.

2459 Gal. v. 19-23.

2460 Horace, Sat. I iii. 68, 69.

2461 Horace, Sat. I. vi. 66.

2462 Ps. lxxvii. 4.

2463 Ps. iv. 4, LXX. Quoted Eph. iv. 26.

2464 A pythagorean philosopher, mathematician, general, and statesman. He was a contemporary of Plato.

2465 Jas. i. 20.

2466 1 Cor. vii. 9.

2467 Heb. xiii. 4.

2468 1 Tim. v. 14, 1 Tim. v. 15.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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