2547 i.e. Rufinus's version of Origen's treatise, On First Principles, with the Preface, translated in vol. iii. of this series. See also Letters LXXX. and LXXXI.
2551 Of these the two founders of Montanism the first was a Phrygian of the second century who professed to be the special organ of the Holy Ghost while the second was a female disciple who claimed to exercise the gift of prophecy in furtherance of his aims.
2552 Dimidiatam Christi introduxit oeconomiam. Apollinaris taught that in Christ the divine personality supplied the place of a human soul. In his view, therefore, Christ ceased to be "very man."
2553 Eusebius, although he sided with the Arians, always claimed to be orthodox. However, as Newman says, "his acts are his confession."
2557 From this Jew Jerome took lessons in Hebrew during the earlier years of his life at Bethlehem. From time to time he also consulted other Jewish scholars.
2564 Ps. xv. 2, Ps. xv. 3 from memory.
2566 strwmateij, lit. = `tapestries.0' See note on Letter LXX.
2567 The doctrine alluded to is probably that of the Trinity.
2568 i.e. the Bishops present at Nicaea.
2569 The founder of a Gnostic sect in the second century. He taught first in Egypt and afterwards in Rome.
2570 See note on Letter XLVIII.
2571 The Montanists were so called because the headquarters of their sect were at Pepuza a small village in Phrygia.
2572 Croesus when he asked whether he should resist Cyrus was told that, if he did so, he would overthrow a mighty kingdom, a prophecy fulfilled in his own destruction; while Pyrrhus long afterwards received an equally evasive answer in the words, "Pyrrhus the Sons of Rome may well defeat."
2574 Article XI. of the Apostles' Creed speaks in the original forms of the resurrection not of "the body" but of "the flesh:" and it is still found in this shape in the Anglican office for the visitation of the sick.
2577 A favourite metaphor with Jerome to describe the nature of Christian penitence.
2583 See Jerome's preface to his version of Origen's Homilies on Ezekiel: and his preface to his own Treatise on Hebrew Names. See also Letter XXXIII.
2584 Origen died at Tyre about the year 255 a.d.
2588 Hexaëmeron: an account of the creation is meant.
2590 His father Leonides suffered martyrdom in the persecution of Severus.
2592 i.e. Judas the Gaulonite whose fanatical rising against the Romans is mentioned in Acts v. 37.
2596 The (traditional) founders of the Roman Church.
2597 Jerome was baptized at Rome about the year 367 a.d.
2598 Pelusiotae, men of Pelusium, supposed to be derived from phloj, "clay." See Jerome's Comm. on Jer. xxix. 14-20.
2600 See the description of Rufinus in Letter CXXV. 18.
2602 This treatise the joint work of Eusebius and his friend Pamphilus has perished. Part of the Latin version of Rufinus still remains. Jerome at this time erroneously supposed that the two friends had written separate works in defence of Origen. (See De VV. Ill. c. 75, 81, in vol. iii. of this series.)
2603 In accordance with this edict (promulgated in 88 b.c.) all the Romans in Pontus were massacred in one day.
2604 This letter is no longer extant.
2605 A wealthy Alexandrian, who employed shorthand writers to take down Origen's lectures. Euseb. Eccl. Hist. B. vi. c. 23.
2606 If the text is sound here Jerome is again misled by supposing that Eusebius and Pamphilus had written separate books in defence of Origen.
2607 Eusebius calls himself Eusebius Pamphili, that is, `the friend of Pamphilus.0'
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