2705 Again quoted in Letter CXXVIII.
2708 Cp. Letter LXXIX, The heathen sage is glass, the Christian virgin the pearl.
2710 A Virgilian expression, 9, II., 121.
2711 Simila, but as elsewhere (L. 52, 6) this is spoken of as a luxury, perhaps we should read similia = `and such like.0'
2712 Jerome refers to his second book against Jovinian.
2713 Cf. the dying words of S. Francis (which have a similar reference) `I have sinned against my brother the ass.0'
2714 i.e. having vowed to abstain from bread, they indemnify themselves with flesh.
2716 Jerome tells us that he read the book with Blaesilla for this purpose.
2717 i.e. Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges.
2718 Of these a large number are still extant. Over twenty of them are "festal epistles" announcing to the churches the correct day on which to celebrate Easter.
2719 These include commentaries on many parts of Scripture and a work on the Trinity.
2722 The number 100 denotes virginity to which in her own person Paula could have no claim. See note on Letter XLVIII.
2729 The allusion is to Aristotle who was tutor to Alexander, King of Macedon.
2732 Ps. cxx. 5, Ps. cxx. 6 acc. to Jerome's latest version.
2734 Ps. cxxxix. 12, A.V. marg.
2749 Of continence. See Letter LXVI. 3.
2751 Theodosius and Valentinian.
2752 Wife of Flavius Clemens, believed to have been a Christian martyr.
2753 i.e. the straits of Messina.
2754 A port on the S.W. coast of the Peloponnese.
2756 At this time one of the three bishops who claimed the see of Antioch. See Ep. xv. 2.
2759 A maritime city of Palestine which subsequently to its restoration by Herod became first the civil, and then the ecclesiastical, capital of Palestine.
2760 Acts xxi. 8, Acts xxi. 9.
2766 Andromeda had been chained to a rock by her father to assuage the wrath of Poseidon who had sent a sea monster to ravage the country. Here she was found by Perseus who slew the monster and effected her rescue. See Josephus B. J. iii. ix. 3.
2767 Luke xxiv. 13, Luke xxiv. 28-31.
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