3574 The Canaanite name for Jerusalem.
3575 By Alaric the Goth, 408 a.d.
3583 Spes in ea magis laudanda est quam res. Cic. de Rep. Jerome again quotes the words in Letter CXXX.
3585 Numb. xi. 4, Numb. xi. 20, Numb. xi. 31.
3598 Jer. ii. 13, Cisternas dissipates.
3600 1 Cor. vii. 21, 1 Cor. vii. 22.
3603 Male pacatae, a pun on Pacatula, which means `Little Peaceful.0'
3604 Lanifica. Cf. the well-known epitaph on a Roman matron: "She stayed at home and spun wool."
3605 Already quoted in Letter CVII.
3613 Cicero in his Dialogue on the Republic. Cf. Or. xxx.
3617 Ps. xlv. 9, Ps. xlv. 13, Ps. xlv. 14.
3618 i.e. After receiving the veil.
3623 Which took place before the fall of Rome in 410 a.d.
3625 2 Kings i. 8: Matt. iii. 4.
3626 Matt. xi. 14: Luke i. 17.
3628 Matt. xi. 7-14. Jerome here borrows a phrase from Cyprian, de Op. et El. xv.
3629 Luke ii. 36, Luke ii. 37.
3632 A virgin 13 years old beheaded at Rome uncier Diocletian after vain efforts first made to overcome her faith by subjecting herto assault and outrage.
3633 See §7 for the cruelties of the Count Heraelian.
3635 Wedding songs so called from the place of their origin, Fescennia in Etruria. See Catullus LXI. for the several customs here mentioned.
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