3721 See Jerome's commentary on the parable.
3723 See Letters XXII., LII., etc.
3731 The fragment of Lucilius (preserved by Cic. de Fin. V. 30) says nothing of Cato: possibly therefore the text is here corrupt. See for Cato Letter LII.
3735 Matt. xix. 16, Matt. xix. 21.
3736 Luke xviii. 22. Cf. Letter CXIX.
3737 Acts iv. 34, Acts iv. 35.
3739 A philosopher of the Neoplatonic school (fl. 232-300 a.d.). Of his books against Christianity only small fragments remain.
3743 Prov. xiii. 4, LXX. comp. Letter CXXV.
3744 Anastasius was pope from 398 to 402 a.d.
3754 A phrase borrowed from Cicero (p. Sext. Rosc.).
3755 Apparently Letter CXXIV. concerning Origen's book on First Principles.
3758 Cf. Letters LIII. and LXVI.
3761 1 Cor. xv. 33; the words are quoted from a lost comedy of Menander.
3762 The words are not extant in Petronius but occur in Martial ii. 12. 4.
3763 i.e. the head of the community.
3764 Letter XXII. to Eustochium.
3770 Isa. xiv. 13, Isa. xiv. 14.
3773 Virgil. aeneid. vi. 733, 734.
3774 Horace, Sat. I. iii. 68, 69.
3775 Tertullian, against Hemogenes, c. ix.
3779 Eccles. i. 9. Jerome inverts the words of the Preacher.
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