3868 Hos. ix. 11, Hos. ix. 14, partly after the LXX., partly from memory.
3869 Isa. xxix. 14, as quoted by Paul, 1 Cor. i. 19.
3871 Joh. xix. 23, Joh. xix. 24.
3873 Matt. xii. 39, Matt. xii. 40.
3875 The Anti-Pelagian Dialogue, to which this letter is a kind of prelude.
3881 At this time bishop of Carthage and a friend of Augustine.
3883 Tit. iii. 10, Tit. iii. 11.
3884 i.e. John of Jerusalem. See the next letter.
3885 i.e. Paula the younger, Eustochium's niece, concerning whose education Jerome had written to her mother Laeta (Letter CVII.).
3886 The attack was supposed to have been instigated by Pelagius.
3887 In Jerome's writings this title is often given to bishops. Presbyters are by him rarely so called.
3888 Pelagius would naturally be understood by Catiline, and Celestius by Lentulus, who was Catiline's lieutenant. But it is known that, after the Synod of Diospolis which acquitted them, Celestius went to Africa, Ephesus, Constantinople, and Rome, while Pelagius apparently remained in Palestine, where he died.
3889 At this time in Palestine whither he had come as the bearer of letters from Augustine to Jerome and others.
3890 The family meant is probably the one warned by Jerome in his letter to Ctesiphon (CXXXIII, In that case the troubler of its peace is of course Pelagius.
3892 It would seem as if Jerome, like Augustine, had at first thought favourably of Pelagius.
3894 i.e. the monastic establishment under Jerome's guidance at Bethlehem. See Letters CXXXV.-CXXXVII.
3895 That is Augustine's to Jerome and the expected answer.
3896 In Jerome's Letters, No. CXXXI.; in Augustine's, No. CLXVI.
3897 In Jerome's Letters, No. CXXXIV.; in Augustine's, No. CLXXII.
3898 After the Council of Diospolis Jerome suffered much from the violence of the Pelagians. See Letters CXXXVI.-CXXXIX.
3900 Suo sensu abundet. Rom. xiv. 5, Vulg.
3903 At this point the text is obscure.
3904 i. e. Adam, "our first-formed father." (Wisd. x. 1.)
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