3980 At the Eucharistic service the gospel was commonly though not exclusively read by a deacon. (See Const. Apost. II. 57, 5, and Sozomen, H. C. VII. 19.)

3981 Gal. iv. 16.

3982 The goddess who in the Roman pantheon presided over funerals. The gladiators meant are the so-called bustuarii who were engaged to fight at the funeral pile (bustum) in honour of the dead.

3983 i. e. by the use of depilatories.

3984 Jer. iii. 3.

3985 Mal. iii. 7.

3986 Rev. iii. 17.

3987 Cf. Cyprian, Epist. ad Demet. xxv.

3988 Luke x. 30-34.

3989 Joh. xi. 39, Joh. xi. 44.

3990 Luke i. 79.

3991 Matt. ix. 27: cf. Luke xviii. 35-38.

3992 Mark x. 50.

3993 Isa. xxx. 15, LXX.

3994 Ps. li. 5, Ps. li. 7.

3995 Luke xiii. 11-13.

3996 Gen. iv. 7, LXX.

3997 An etymological allusion. Nod = `ebb and flow. 0'

3998 Num. xxv. 6-8.

3999 2 Sam. xiii. 14.

4000 1 Kings xxi. 13.

4001 1 Kings xxi. 29.

4002 Ezek. xviii. 4.

4003 1 Sam. viii. 3.

4004 1 Sam. ii. 12-17, 1 Sam. ii. 22.

4005 1 Sam. iv. 18.

4006 2 Sam. vi. 6, 2 Sam. vi. 7.

4007 Sacerdotes, lit. priests.

4008 2 Cor. xi. 14, 2 Cor. xi. 15.

4009 Matt. vii. 15.

4010 i.e. to the church at large represented by individual virgins.

4011 Heb. vi. 6, Heb. vi. 7-8.

1 See life of Paulus above.

2 Matt. xi. 18.

3 Luke xiv. 33.

4 Isa. xiv. 14.

5 2 Thess. iii. 10.

6 Exod. xv. 1.

7 Ps. xx. 7.

8 Luke v. 31.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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