431 Jer. iii. 3.

432 Plebeians wore a narrow stripe, patricians abroad one.

433 Beloved ones, viz., women who lived with the unmarried clergy professedly as spiritual sisters, but really (in too many cases) as mistresses. The evil custom was widely prevalent and called forth many protests. The councils of Elvira, Ancyra, and Nicaea passed canons against it.

434 Prov. vi. 27, Prov. vi. 28.

435 Matt. xiii. 8.

436 Cena dubia. The allusion is to Terence, Phormio, 342.

437 Cant. i. 7, R.V.

438 Phil. i. 23.

439 Luke ii. 51.

440 Eph. vi. 16.

441 Hos. vii. 4, Hos. vii. 6, R.V.

442 Luke xxiv. 32.

443 Ps. cxix. 140, P.B.V.

444 Cant. iii. 1.

445 Col. iii. 5.

446 Gal. ii. 20.

447 Ps. xxxix. 6, Vulg. That is, who knows that the world is vanity.

448 Ps. cxix. 83 Vulg.

449 Ps. cix. 24; cii. 5.

450 Ps. vi. 6, P.B.V.

451 Ps. cii. 7.

452 1 Cor. xiv. 15.

453 Ps. ciii. 2-4.

454 Ps. cii. 9.

455 2 K. ii. 13.

456 Gen. iii. 16.

457 Gen. ii. 17.

458 Gen. i. 28.

459 Gen. iii. 18, Gen. iii. 19.

460 See Letter XLVIII. 3.

461 Matt. xix. 11, Matt. xix. 12.

462 Eccles. iii. 5.

463 Matt. iii. 9.

464 Zech. ix. 16, LXX.

465 Joh. xix. 23.

466 Ps. cxvi. 7.

467 Isa. xi. 1, LXX.

468 In the Latin there is a play on words here between virga and virgo.

469 Cant. ii. 1.

470 Dan. ii. 45.

471 Cant. ii. 6.

472 Gen. vii. 2.

473 Ex. iii. 5: Josh. v. 15.

474 Matt. x. 10. According to Letter XXIII. these typify dead works.

475 Joh. xix. 23, Joh. xix. 24.

476 Isa. xxviii. 24.

477 1 Cor. vii. 25.

478 1 Cor. vii. 7, 1 Cor. vii. 8.

479 1 Cor. ix. 5.

480 Isa. xxxi. 9, LXX.

481 Isa. liv. 1, LXX. (?)

482 Ps. cxxviii. 3.

483 Ps. cv. 37.

484 Isa. lvi. 3.

485 Cf. Luke xvi. 19 sqq.

486 Gen. xxv. 1.

487 Gen. xxx. 14-16.

488 Gen. xxx. 1, Gen. xxx. 2.

489 Jer. xvi. 2.

490 Jer. i. 5.

491 1 Cor. vii. 26, R.V.

492 1 Cor. vii. 29.

493 Lam. iv. 4.

494 Isa. vii. 14.

495 Isa. ix. 6.

496 Judith xiii.

497 Esther vii. 10.

498 Mark viii. 34.

499 Matt. viii. 20-22.

500 1 Cor. vii. 32-34.

501 See the treatise Against Helvidius, in this volume.

502 1 Thess. v. 17.

503 1 Cor. vii. 3, R.V.

504 1 Cor. vii. 28.

505 Not extant. Jerome alludes to it again in his treatise against Jovinian.

506 See Migne's "Patrologia," xiii., col. 347-418.

507 Ambrose de Virg. Migne's "Patrologia," xvi., col. 187.

508 Matt. xxiv. 13.

509 Matt. xx. 16; Matt. xxii. 14.

510 2 Sam. vi. 6, 2 Sam. vi. 7.

511 2 Kings xx. 12, 2 Kings xx. 13.

512 Dan. v. 1-3.

513 Ex. xxv. 11.

514 1 K. viii. 9.

515 Ex. xxv. 22.

516 Matt. xxi. 1-3.

517 Ex. vii. 16.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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