3 Priscillian was Spaniard, who began to propagate his views, which were a various heresies, about the year mixture of 370. See Robertson, p. 295 sq., and Note on Jerome, Letter CXXXIII.
4 Evagrius Iberita. The name is taken either from a town named Ibera or Ibora in Pontus, or from the province of Iberia. Jerome, in the letter to which he refers, styles Evagrius Hyperborita, but this is thought to be an error for Hyborita. It has been suggested that Jerome was playing on the word Iberita. He was born in 345. He wrote, amongst many other works, a treatise Peri apaqeiaj (On Impassibility), and no doubt Jerome refers to this a few lines above. He was a zealous champion of Origen. See also Jerome, Letter CXXXIII. and note.
5 The Massalians or Euchites derived their name from their habit of continual prayer. The words are etymological equivalents (Massalians, from )l@c
to pray). The perversity lay in the misinterpretation of such texts as Luke xviii. 1, and 1 Thess. v. 17.
6 He was a Roman lawyer. His treatise was written about a.d. See Jerome's treatise against him in this volume.
7 See introduction to Jerome's treatise against Jovinianus in this volume.
8 See Rufinus' works, especially the Prolegomena, and Jerome's controversy with him in vol. iii. of this series.
9 That is, Eusebius of Caesarea (a.d. 267-338), who was called Pamphilus from his friendship with Pamphilus the martyr.
10 Suffered martyrdom a.d. 309. He erected a library at Caesarea of 30,000 volumes. See Rufinus' Preface to his Apology in this series, vol. iii., with introductory note.
11 See Rufinus on the adulteration of the works of Origen, in this series, vol. iii. p. 421.
12 Palladius, bishop of Hellenopolis, the biographer and trusted friend of Chrysostom, was born about 367. He visited Bethlehem about 387 and formed a very unfavourable opinion of Jerome. He highly commended Rufinus. According to Epiphanius, as well as Jerome, he was tainted with Origenism. Tillemont, however, thinks that another Palladius may be referred to in these passages. His accounts of Jerome and Rufinus are given in his "Historia Lausiaca," c. 78 and 118.
13 Jerome was accused of envy or ill-will by Palladius. "Tanta fuit ejus invidia ut ab ea obrueretur virtus doctrinae. Cum ergo multis diebus cum eo versatus esset sanctus Posidonius, dicit mihi in aurem, "Ingenua quidem Paula, quae ejus curam gerit, praemorietur, liberata ab ejus invidia. Ut autem arbitror, propter hunc virum non habitabit vir sanctus in his locis, sed ejus pervadet invidia usque ad proprium fratrem."-Pallad. Hist. Laus., §78, cf. §82.
1 See S. Aug. De Sp. et Lit., c. i.
5 Reading quod super artes est.
6 That is, Diodorous, surnamed Cronus who lived at Alexandria in the reign of Ptolemy Sorer (b.c. 323-285). He was the teacher of Philo. For his discussions On the Possible, Zeller's "Socrates and the Socratic Schools," Reichel's translation, pp. 272, 273, and authorities there cited, may he consulted.
7 Died b.c. 207, aged 73. He was the first to base the Stoic doctrine on something like systematic reasoning.
11 This appears to be an inaccurate quotation made from memory.
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