73 Literally, wash a brick (that has not been burnt). Hence (1) labour in vain, or (2) make bad worse. The latter appears to be the meaning here.
91 The reference is to the stature of Pelagius.
92 The sense of this passage is much disputed. St. Jerome was, possibly, speaking of persons who upon the whole are sincere and not merely covenanted Christians.
93 Jerome seems here to speak in his own person and to address Pelagius directly.
94 Cornuta fronte. Literally, "with horned brow." The allusion is to the rays of light which beamed from the face of Moses, the Hebrew word bearing both meanings, ray and horn. Hence the portraiture of him with horns.
101 A Christian of Carthage who, together with Cyprian, sent relief to the bishops and martyrs in the Mines of Sigus, in Numidia, and elsewhere (a.d. 257).
113 Eccles. vii. 24, Eccles. vii. 25.
131 * The printed text of the Eerdman's reprint is damaged or unreadable here.
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