50 St. John iii. 7, 8.

51 Ib. i. 1, 3.

52 Col. i. 16.

53 St. John xvii. 10.

54 Is. xxix. 11.

1 Ps, lxxxviii. (lxxxix.) 20ff.[*?*?*]

2 Ib. xvii. (xviii.), 45.[*?*?*]

3 Ib. xxi. (xxii.), 19.[*?*?]

4 Ps. lxxvii. (lxxviii.), 1.[*?*?]

5 Prov. viii. 22.

6 i.e. the Psalter.

7 i.e. the Psalter.

8 Impius, which is elsewhere in the Homily traslated ungodly, is here rendered undutiful, in order to preserve to some extent the sense of undutiful towards parents in which Hilary, with true Roman appreciation of the patria potestas, uses it in this passage.

9 St. Matt. xxiii. 2.

10 1 Thess. v. 17.

11 1 Cor. x. 31.

12 Gen. ii. 9.

13 Prov. iii. 18.

14 St. Luke xxiii. 43.

15 St. Matt. xii. 33.

16 St. Luke xxiii. 31.

17 St. Matt. xv. 13.

18 Ib. vii. 18.

19 Is. v. 2.

20 Eph. i. 9.

21 Phil. iii. 21.

22 St. Matt. xxiv. 35.

23 Apoc. xxii. 1.

24 Ps. xvii. (xviii.) 42.[*?*?]

25 St. John iii. 18, 19.

26 This proves that the Homily in its original form consisted of two parts.

27 1 Cor. xiv. 37.

28 Gen. iii. 9.

29 Ib. xxii. 12.

1 Acts xiii. 22 (cp. 1 Sam. xiii. 14).

2 St. Luke xxiii. 46.

3 Ps. 1. (li.) 9.[*?*?*?]

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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