137 See Chrysost., In Gen. Hom. 16, Theodor., Quaest. 27, &c.

138 Gen. ii. 9.

139 Text, rh\n e!fesin lixnote\roij. Variant rh\n ai!sqhsin, &c.

140 Greg. Naz., Orat. 38 and 42: Method., ap Epiph. Haeres. 64.

141 Gen. ii. 25.

142 Ps. lv. 22.

143 St. Matt. vi. 25.

144 Ibid. 33.

145 St. Luke x. 41, 42.

146 Nemes., de Nat. Hom., ch. I.

147 Gen. ii. 16.

148 Greg. Naz., Orat. 38 and 42.

149 Rom. i. 20.

150 Ps. cxxxix. 6.

151 eqaumastw/qh h0 gnw=si/j sou e0c e0mo=, toute0stin, e0k th=j e0mh=j katoskeuh=j. Basil, Gregory Naz., Anastasius II., Antiochenus and ohters render it so , following the LXX. version, and not the Hebrew text.

152 Maxim., in Script. p. 10.

153 Gen. ii. 16.

154 Ibid. 17.

155 th\n nohth\n ou0si/an rational being

156 thn aisqhth/n; material being, being perceptible by sense.

157 Greg. Naz., Orat. 38 and 42.

158 Rom. ix. 21.

159 Yuxh\n logikh/n.

160 Cf. Chrysostom, Hom. in Gen. 9; Anastasius, Hom. in Hex. 7; Clem. Alex., Strom. II.; Basil, Hom. de hom. Struct. I; Greg. Nyss., De opif. hom., ch. 16; Iren., Haer. v. 8, &c.

161 Cf. Greg. Naz., Orat. 31; Jerome, Epist. 82; August., De Genesi, x. 28, &c.

162 e0n mikrw= me/gan, is read in Nazianz. Hom. 38 and 42: so also in Nicetas, who says that `the world is small in comparison with man, for whose sake all was made. 0' But Combefis emended it.

163 The text read, tw= mege/qei filotimou/menos' to\ de\ i!na pa/sxwn u0pomimnh/skhtai, kai\ paideu/htai zw=on. On the basis of varios manuscripts and the works of Gregory of Nazianzum, it is corrected so-i!na pa/sxh, kai\ pa/sxwn, u0pommimnh/skhtai, kai\ paideu/h tai tw= mege/qei filotimou/menon.

164 Greg. Naz., Orat. 38 and 42.

165 Reading, ou0x w0j en0 th= fu/sei, for a0ll0 ou0k e0n th fu/sei.

166 Athan. llib. de inob. contr. Apoll.

167 The Fathers objected to Aristotle's definition of the soul as the e0ntele/xeia prw/th sw/matoj fusikou= o0rganikou= taking it to imply that the soul had no independent existence but was dissolved with the body. Cicero explains it otherwise, Tusc. Quaest., bk. I.

168 Maxim., opus de Anima.

169 Supplying the words, tw= u!dati, yuxro\n ga\r kai\ u0gro/n' ai[ma, a0nalogou=.

170 tomh\, kai\ p0eu=sij. kai\ metabolh/.

171 Nemes., ae Nat. Hom., ch. I.

172 Or, breath, pneu=ma.

173 Nemes., ae Nat. Hom., ch. I.

174 paqhtiko\n kai\ o0rektiko/n.

175 h0 kaq' o0rmh\n ki/nhsij.

176 The following three paragraphs, as found in manuscripts and the old translation, are placed at the end of ch. 32, "Concerning Anger," but do not suit the context there.

177 Supplying the word futiko/n from Nemesius.

178 Nemes., ch. 23.

179 Reading, ou0k a@n eu!roi tij i0di/aj h0dona/j.

180 Nemes., ch. 18: Chrys., Hom. in Joan., 74.

181 See Chrysostom, Hom. in Joannem, 74; Cicero, De fin. bon. et mal., I.

182 kala/j, honourable, good.

183 Text, xwrou/saj. Variant, paraxwrou/saj.

184 a!xoj.

185 a!xqoj.

186 o!knoj, dread.

187 a0gwni/a.

188 Nemesius and certain manuscripts give these species of fear in a different order, viz., dread, consternation, panic, anxiety, shame, disgrace.

189 ze/dij, boiling.

190 tou= peri\ kardi/an ai!matoj, the blood about the heart.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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