229 Cf. Greg. Nyss., in Maxim.; Nemes., ch. 29.

230 Nemes., ch. 30.

231 Ibid., ch. 31.

232 Ibid., ch. 32.

233 Ibid., ch. 30.

234 Nemes., ch. 33.

235 rou= au0tecousi/ou. See also III. 34.

236 Nemes., ch. 39.

237 Text, tafron. Variant, ra/fon.

238 Text, pra/cewj. mss. pra/cewn, as in Nemesius.

239 peri\ tw=n ginome/nwn.

240 Nemes., ch. 40.

241 ta\yuxika\ pa/nta.

242 Nemes., ch. 37.

243 This is supplied by Combefis from Nemesius.

244 Nemes., ch. 41.

245 This sentence is omitted in Basil and some mss.

246 Nemesius speaks of this at greater length.

247 Wisd. i. 13.

248 Nemes., ch. 43.

249 Ibid., ch. 42.

250 Ps. cxxxv. 6.

251 Rom. ix. 19.

252 Nemes., ch. 44.

253 The words pa/nta e0painei=n are wanting in Cod. R. 2 and in Nemes., ch. 44.

254 kat 9 eu0doki/an.

255 kata\ sugxw/rhsin.

256 There is a hiatus here in Edit. Vernon. and in Cod. R. 2927. Various readings are found in other mss., some with no ssense and ohters evidently supplied by librarians. It is best supplied from Nemesius, ch. 44, th=j de\ sugxwrh\sew= polla\ ei!dh, "but there are many forms of concession."

257 Nemes, ch. 44.

258 Job i. II.

259 2 Cor. ii. 7.

260 Nemes., ch. 44.

261 St. Luke xvi. 19.

262 St. John ix. I.

263 Nemes., ch. 37.

264 Cf. Nemes., c. 27; also Cicero's statement on Providence in the Academ. Quest.

265 See the reference in Migne.

266 St. Matt. xxvi. 24.

267 See Chrysostom, Hom. I, in Epist. ad. Ephes., and Hom. 18, in Epist. ad Hebraeos.

268 I Tim. ii. 4.

269 These words are wanting in two mss.

270 This last sentence is absent in one Codex.

271 St. Matt. viii. 30 seqq.

272 Chrys., Hom. 12 in Epist. ad. Ephes.

273 Cf. Maximus, Vita, n. 8; Just. Martyr, Apol. I; Tatian, Or. ad. ad Graecos; Prigen, Ep. ad Rom. I; Jerome, on Exek. c. xxiv., &c.

274 Act. S. Max.

275 Cf. Clem. Alex., Strom., bk. vi.; Jerome, on Ep. ad Gal., ch. I; Greg. Naz, Carmen de virt. hum.

276 Cf. Clem. Alex., Quis dives salvetar; Greg. Naz., Orat. 31; Chrysost., Hom. 45 in Joann., Hom. in Ep. ad Hebr. xii. 2, Hom. 15 in Ep. ad Rom.; Cyril, De ador. in Spir. et ver., p. 25; Petavius, Dogm., vol. i., bk. ix. c. 4, &c.

277 Cf. ingra,bk. iii. ch. 14.

278 o0 prognw/sthj Qeo/j. See Athanas., in Psalm I; Chrysost. in Hom. 18 in Gen.; Greg. Nyss., De opif. hom.; Athanas., Minor, Quest. 50 ad Antioch.; Thomas Aquinas I., Quaest. 98, Art. 2.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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