67 The Chronicon of Eusebius is referred to.
68 Many editors here read "maternis," instead of "paternis."
69 It is remarkable, as Hornius has observed after Ligonius, that, while in the kingdom of Judah the sovereignty remained to the same family, in the kingdom of Ephraim the scepter was hardly ever transmitted to son or grandson.
70 "Cum filiis": after the Greek: the Hebrew text speaks of only one son.
71 Such seems clearly to be the meaning of the somewhat strange phrase, "promissorum fidem consecuta est."
74 "Chronicis," i.e. of Eusebius.
75 "Chronicorum," i.e. of Eusebius.
76 There is a reference in these words to the two tribes, or kingdom of Judah.
77 Surely a blunder; for, as has been well asked, how could Jonah, who was swallowed by a whale in the Mediterranean, have been cast out by the fish on the shores of the Ninevites? The Hebrew text has simply "the dryland."
78 After the Greek; the Hebrew has "forty days."
79 Vorstius remarks that this is a totally erroneous statement.
80 "Piaculo": a very old meaning is here attached to the word.
81 Our author is here guilty of omission and consequent inaccuracy. Comp Isa. chap. 37.
1 "mysterio futurorum mirabile."
2 Such is clearly the meaning, but it is strangely expressed by the words "omnibus ante regnis validissimum."
3 The text is here very uncertain and obscure.
4 "resurrectionis," referring probably not to the rising again of the dead, but to the restoration of the Jews. See Ezek. chap. 37.
5 Or, "confessed that he had seen a son of God."
6 "in versum ductae literae": various emendations have been proposed, but the text may stand. The meaning appears to be that the letters were not thrown together at random, but so placed as to form words.
7 "lacum": twice used before in the sense of pit.
8 The reference is to Aen. I. 729, but Sigonius and others have suspected the words as being a gloss. They are, however, probably genuine. Virgil's words are,-
"Hic regina gravem gemmis auroque poposcit Implevitque mero paternam, quam Belus et omnes A Belo soliti; tum facta silentia tectis."
9 Stilico was consul during the lifetime of Sulpitius.
10 "in plerisque exemplaribus": the mss. varying, as they so often do, with respect to numbers.
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