16 An island near Albium Ingaunum-the modern Allenga, on the gulf of Genoa. The island was so named from abounding in fowls in a half tamed state. It still bears the name of Gallinaria.
17 All this seems to be implied in the words "institui disciplinis."
19 Or "powers" according to the use of the greek word du/namij in Luke viii. 46.
20 Here again it is to be noted what fatal consequences were supposed to flow from dying without receiving baptism.
21 The Turones occupied territory on both sides of the river Loire. Caesar refers to them (Bell. Gall. ii. 35, &c.). Their chief town was named Caesarodunum, the modern Tours.
22 It is clear from this passage that the people at large were accustomed in ancient times to give their votes on the appointment of a bishop.
23 We here adopt Halm's reading "cogitabat," in preference to the usual "cogebat."
25 The word translated "avenger" in the English A. V. is "defensor" in the Vulgate, and thus the man referred to would have seemed to be expressly named.
27 In St Matt. xi. 8, there is a reference to those "that wear soft clothing,"-oi ta\ malaka\ forou=ntej.
28 Perhaps "suam" here stands for "ejus," as in other passages of our author. The meaning will then be, "and to threaten his (Martin's) destruction by falling."
29 It seems better to preserve the parenthesis than to translate the words as they stand in Halm's text, "tum vero-velut turbinis modo retro actam putares-diversam in partem ruit."
30 Literally "a covering made of Cilician goats' hair." It was called cilicium, and was worn by soldiers and others.
31 The Latin word gratia here corresponds to the greek xari/sma. St. Paul says much respecting the various xari/smata in 1 Cor. xii., and speaks, among others, of xari/smata iama/twn (v. 9).
32 The name Treveri at first denoted the people (as often in Caesar, Bell. Gall. i. 37, &c.), and was afterwards applied to their chief city, the modern Treves.
34 "Regni necessitatem" -an awkward expression.
35 There is considerable confusion in this sentence.
36 Halm reads the imperative "videris," "consider."
37 Halm reads "aut sibi nuntiata fratribus indicabat."
38 This is a truly noteworthy passage. It anticipates a wellknown sentiment of Burns, the national bard of Scotland. In his Address to the Deil, Burns has said that if the great enemy would only "tak a thocht an' men'," he might still have a chance of safety, and this idea seems very much in accordance with the opinion of St. Martin as expressed above. Hornius, however, is very indignant on account of it, and exclaims: "Intolerabilis hic Martini error. Nec Sulpicius excusatione sua demit, sed auget. Origenes primus ejus erroris author."
39 "Prece" for the usual reading "prae se."
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