20 i.e., the Buffalo. On Paphnutius see the note on Conf. III.
21 Gazet thinks that this Isidore is the same person as the one mentioned in the Lausiac History c. i.; and Sozomen VI. xxviii., but doubts whether he is identical with the person of the same name mentioned in Rufinus: History of the Monks c. xvii., Sozomen VIII.. xii., and Socrates VI. ix.
22 On the Saturday and Sunday celebration of the Holy Communion in Egypt compare the Institutes III. ii. In Gaul it was apparentry received daily: Institutes VI. viii.
25 As Cassian here implies, considerable doubt exists whether the Nicholas from whom the sect of the Nicolaitans (Rev. ii. 15) derive their name was the same person as Nicholas the last of the seven "deacons" mentioned in Acts vi. 5. According to Irenaeus (Haer. I. xxvi.) the Nicolaitans themselves claimed him as their founder, and the claim is allowed by Hippolytus (Philos. vii. § 36), Epiphanius (Haer. I. ii. § 25), and other writers of the fourth century. Clement of Alexandria however disputes the claim (Strom. III. iv. and cf. Euseb. H. E. III. xxix.), as does Theodoret (Haer. Tab. iii. 1).
1 Depositio. A word frequently used for the day of the death (or burial) in Calendars or Martyrologies.
2 On this Abbot John compare the note on the Institutes V. xxviii.
3 The true reading, as given by Petschenig, appears to be the following: Et minus de proesumptoe sublimioris professionis humilitate periculum. It is probably on account of its difficulty that humilitate has been altered into difficultate, as in the text of Gazet (the two humilitate difficultate are found together in some mss.) But the fact appears to be that humilitas is here used for the life of an anchorite, as in Conference XXIV. ix., where Abbot Abraham uses the expression districtionem hujus humilitatis. The word is also used in a similar sense in Conf. I. xx. and XI. ii.
5 In Prochirio id est admanuensi sporta.
7 Phil. ii. 8; S. John vi. 38.
9 Lam. iii. 27, 28; Ps. ci. (cii.) 7, 8.
10 Moses, Paphnutius, and the two Macarii have all been mentioned frequently before. On Moses (to whom the first two Conferences are assigned) see the note on the Institutes X. xxv.; on Paphnutius see on Conference III. i.; and on the two Macarii, the Institutes V. xli.
11 Ps. cxviii. (cxix.) 60; xxv. (xxvi.) 2; cxxxviii. (cxxxix.) 23, 24.
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