71 S. Ambrose. De Virg. Lib. i. xlvi.

72 Ezek. xliv. 2.

73 These words are not found in any extant writings of S. Ambrose, but something very like them occurs in S. Augustine's Sixth Sermon in Natali Domini.

74 In Lucam II. i.

75 Ep. xxii. Ad Eustochium.

76 Cf. Ezek. xliv. 2.

77 Book III. c. vii.

78 Rufinus in Symb. c. xiii.

79 There is no authority for the reading of Cuyck and Gazaeus "Magnus Sacerdos." On the coldness with which Augustine is here spoken of see the Introduction, p. 191. Note.

80 August. Tract. II. in Johan. xv.

81 Ep. cxxxvii. c. 4.

82 Aliud in Deum adsumiter, aliud in Deitatis gratiam proestat. So Petschenig edits. The text of Gazaeus has aliud Deitatis gratia proestat.

83 Greg. Nazianz. Oratio xxxviii. The Greek of the passage which Cassian translates is as follows: proelqw\n de\ Qeo\j meta\ thj proslh/yewj e$n e0k du/o tw=n e0nanti/wn, sarko\j kai\ pneu/matoj. w[n to\ me\n e0qe/wse to\ de\ e0qew/qh, w\ th=skainh=j mi/cewj, w\ th=j parado/cou kra/sewj, o9 w@n gi/netai kai\ o9 a!ktistoj ktizetai kai\ o9 a0xw/rhtoj xwrei=tai dia/ me/shj yuxh=j noera=j mesiteuou/shj qeo/thti kai\ sarko\j paxu/thti, kai\ o9 ploutizwn ptwxeu/ei. Oratio xxxix. Ti/ gi/netai kai\ ti/ to\ mega peri\ h9ma=j musth/rion kainotomou=ntai fu/seij kai\ Qeo\j a!nqrwpoj gi/netai . . . kai\ o9 ui9o\j tou= Qeou= de/xetai kai\ ui9o\j a0nqrw/pou gene\sqai te kai\ klhqh=nai, ou0x o$ h0n metabalw\n, a!treptonu ga\r, a!ll o0 ouk h\n proslabw\n, fila/nqrwpoj ga/r, i!na xwrhqh9 o9 a0xw/rhtoj.

84 See the orations against the Arians IV. The Greek is as follows: Skopo\j toi/nun ou[toj kai\ xarakth\r th=j grafh=j, w9j polla/kij ei#pomen, diplh=n e\nai th\n peri\ tou= swth=roj a0paggeli/an e0n au0th=, o#ti te a0ei\ Qeo\j h\n kai\ e!stin o9 ueo/j, lo/goj w\n kai\ a0pau/gasma kai\ sofi/a tou= patroj, kai\ o#ti u#steron di0 h9ma=j sa/rka labw\n e0k parqe/nou th=j qeoto/kou Maria/j a#nqrwpoj ge/gonen.

85 Ibid. polloi\ gou=n a#gioi gego/nasi kai\ kaqaroi\ pa/shj a9arti/aj. 9Ieremi/aj de\ kai\ e0k koili/aj h\gia/sqh kai\ 0Iwa/nnhj e!ti kuoforou/menoj e0skirthsen e0n a0gallia/sei e0pi\ th= fwnh= th=j Qeoto/kou Mari/aj.

86 The passage has not been identified with any now extant in the writings of S. Chrysostom.

87 S. Chrysostom had been taken from Antioch for the Bishopric of Constantinople: and after the death of Sisinnius in 426, as there was so much rivalry and party spirit displayed at Constantinople, the Emperor determined that none of that Church should fill the vacant see, but sent for Nestorius from Antioch, where he had already gained a great reputation for eloquence (cf. Socrates H. E. VII. xxix.). It is to the fact that both S. Chrysostom and Nestorius came from the same city that Cassian alludes in the text.

88 The reference is to Gregory Nazianzen, Bishop of Constantinople from 379 to 381 when he retired in the interests of peace to Nectarius who was chosen to succeed him, and occupied the post from 381 to 397; and to his successor, S. John Chrysostom 397 to 404.

89 Cf. 1 Cor. xii. 26.

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at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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