49 1 Tim. ii. 9, 10; chastity is here unwarrantably read in place of godliness.
51 "cerussae": white lead, used by women to whiten their skins.
52 "lomentis": a mixture of bean-meal and rice, used as a lotion to preserve the smoothness of the skin.
54 Only a guess can here be made at the meaning; the text is in utter confusion.
57 Isa. xxvi. 15, after the LXX.
58 Jer. xii. 13, after the LXX.
59 "divini lavacri": referring to baptism.
62 "velut proximi criminis abominationem declina": the text and construction are both very uncertain, so that we can only make a guess at the meaning.
64 "dicis": the reference seems to be singing or chanting.
69 The text and meaning are here somewhat uncertain.
1 "pulmentariis": this word generally means some sort of relish, but here it seems to denote a kind of pottage.
2 Laser was the juice of a plant called laserpitium.
3 Clericus remarks, "Jocosa haec est epistola," but the fun is certainly of a very ponderous kind. We are, by no means, sure of the sense in some parts of the letter.
4 "crudelitati," which, as Clericus remarks, must here be equivalent to severitati.
1 "rectissimum," where rectius might have been expected.
2 There is a play upon the words- "Tutum esse tutissimum."
1 "divinitatis accessu": the context is almost unintelligible.
2 This probably denotes that what follows is the substance of the Master's petition.
3 Clericus, while accepting most of the letters with which we are now dealing, doubts, from the difference of style, whether this is an epistle of Sulpitius. It is certainly very different from his usual clearness and correctness.
4 "exhibitionis formidine"-a strange phrase.
1 The text is uncertain, and the meaning very obscure.
3 We thoroughly agree with Clericus that this letter is, in style, more alien even than the preceding from the genuine epistles of Sulpitius. It is barbarous as regards composition, and in several places not intelligible.
4 Most editions add "Deo gratias, Amen."
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