10 St. Matt. xii. 22.

11 St. Matt. ix. 2.

12 St. John ix. 1.

13 St. Matt. xx. 30.

14 Text defective here.

1 The beginning to this point is lost in the Syriac but has been preserved in the Armenian translation. We have borrowed it thence through the Latin translation of Graffin (Patrologia Syriaca, Tom. I.).

1 S. Matt x. 8.

2 Jer. vii. 4, 5.

3 Levit. xxvi. 12.

4 1. Cor. iii. 16, etc.

5 John, xiv. 20.

6 1 Cor. iii. 10.

7 1 Cor. iii. 11.

8 1 Cor. iii.16.

9 John x. 30.

10 Ps. cxviii. 22.

11 Luke xix. 14.

12 John xix. 25.

13 Luke xix. 13, 14.

14 Ez. xiii. 10.

15 Ez. xxii. 30.

16 Is. xxviii. 16.

17 Is. xxviii. 16.

18 Matt. xxi. 44.

19 Dan. ii. 34.

20 Ps. lxxxv. 12.

21 Dan. ii 34, 35.

22 Ps. xix. 4.

23 Matt. xxviii. 19.

24 Zach. iv. 2.

25 The words for chief and for beginning are almost identical in the Syriac.

26 John xv. 12.

27 John xv. 15.

28 Cf. Eph. ii. 4. 5.

29 Cf. Eph. v.2.

30 Zech. iii. 9.

31 Is. xi. 1, 2.

32 Zech. iv. 10.

33 Is. xlix. 6.

34 Ps. cxix. 105.

35 John i. 1.

36 John i.5.

37 John i. 11.

38 Matt. x. 27.

39 Cf. Matt. v. 16.

40 Matt. v. 14.

41 Matt. v. 16.

42 John xii. 35.

43 John xii. 36.

44 John viii. 12.

45 Matt. v.15; Mark iv. 21; Luke viii. 16.

46 Ps. cxix. 105.

47 Hos. x. 12.

48 Luke xv. 8.

49 Ex. xx. 2.

50 Hos. x. 12.

51 Is. lv. 6,7.

52 Am. viii. 9.(Cf. the commentary ascribed toEphrem in loco.) Cf. Zech. xiv. 6, 7.

53 1 Cor. iii 10, 12, sqq.

54 Is. lxvi. 16.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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