Re 17:1
17:1 And {1} there came one of the seven angels which had the
     seven vials, and talked with me, saying unto me, Come
     hither; I will shew unto {2} thee the {a} judgment of the
     great whore that sitteth upon many waters:

 (1) The state of the Church militant being declared, now
     follows the state of the church overcoming and getting
     victory, as I showed before in the beginning of the tenth
     chapter. This state is set forth in four chapters. As in
     the place before I noted, that in that history the order of
     time was not always exactly observed so the same is to be
     understood in this history, that it is distinguished
     according to the people of which it speaks, and that the
     stories of the people are observed in the time of it. For
     first is delivered the story of Babylon destroyed in this
     and the next chapter (for this Babylon out of all doubt,
     shall perish before the two beasts and the dragon).
     Secondly, is delivered the destruction of both the two
     beasts, chapter nineteen and lastly of the dragon, chapter
     eighteen.  In the story of the spiritual Babylon, are
     distinctly set forth the state of it in this chapter, and
     the overthrow done from the first argument, consisting of
     the particular calling of the prophet (as often before) and
     a general proposition.
 (2) That is, that damnable harlot, by a figure of speech called
     "hyppalage".  For John as yet had not seen her. Although
     another interpretation may be thought of, yet I like this better.
     (a) The sentence that is pronounce against this harlot.

Re 17:3
17:3 {3} So he carried me away in the spirit into the
     wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a {b} scarlet
     coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven
     heads and ten horns.

 (3) Henceforth is propounded the type of Babylon, and the state
     of it, in four verses. After, a declaration of the type, in
     the rest of this chapter. In the type are described two
     things, the beast (of whom chapter thirteen speaks), in
     this verse and the woman that sits on the beast in
     Re 17:4-6. The beast in process of time has gotten
     somewhat more than was expressed in the former vision.
     First in that it is not read before that he was apparelled
     in scarlet, a robe imperial and of triumph.  Secondly, in
     that this is full of names of blasphemy: the other carried
     the name of blasphemy only in his heads. So God teaches that
     this beast is much increased in impiety and injustice and
     does in this last age, triumph in both these more
     insolently and proudly then ever before.
     (b) A scarlet colour, that is, with a red and purple
         garment: and surely it was not without cause the romish
         clergy were so much delighted with this colour.

Re 17:4
17:4 And {4} the woman was arrayed {5} in purple and scarlet
     colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and
     pearls, having {6} a golden cup in her hand full of
     abominations and filthiness of her fornication:

 (4) That harlot, the spiritual Babylon, which is Rome. She is
     described by her attire, profession, and deeds.
 (5) In attire most glorious, triumphant, most rich, and most
 (6) In profession the nourisher of all, in this verse and
     teaching her mysteries to all, Re 17:5 setting forth
     all things most magnificently: but indeed fatally besetting
     miserable men with her cup, and brings upon them a deadly

Re 17:5
17:5 {7} And upon her forehead [was] a name written, MYSTERY,

 (7) Deceiving with the title of religion, and public
     inscription of mystery: which the beast in times past did
     not bear.
 (8) An exposition: in which John declares what manner of woman
     this is.

Re 17:6
17:6 {9} And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the
     saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: {10}
     and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration.

 (9) In manner of deeds: She is red with blood, and sheds it
     most licentiously, and therefore is coloured with the blood
     of the saints, as on the contrary part, Christ is set forth
     imbued with the blood of her enemies; Isa 63:1.
 (10) A passage to the second part of this chapter, by occasion
      given of John, as the words of the angel do show in the
      next verse.

Re 17:7
17:7 {11} And the angel said unto me, Wherefore didst thou
     marvel? I will tell thee the mystery of the woman, and of
     the beast that carrieth her, which hath the seven heads and
     ten horns.

 (11) The second part or place as I said in \\See Geneva
      "Re 17:1"\\. The narration of the vision promised in the
      verse following.  Now there is delivered first a narration
      of the beast and his story, to verse fourteen. After, of
      the harlot, to the end of the chapter.

Re 17:8
17:8 {12} The beast that thou sawest {13} was, and is not; and
     {14} shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into
     perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder,
     whose names were not written in the book of life from the
     foundation of the world, {15} when they behold the beast
     that was, and is not, and yet is.

 (12) The story of the beast has a triple description of him.  The
      first is a distinction of this beast from all that ever have
      been at any time: which distinction is contained in this
      verse: The second is a delineation or painting out of the
      beast by things present, by which he might even at that time
      be known by the godly: and this delineation is according to
      his heads in Re 17:12-14. This beast is that empire of
      Rome, of which I spoke in \\see Geneva (15) "Re 13:11"\\
      according to the mutations and changes of which then had
      already happened, the Holy Spirit has distinguished and set
      out the same. The apostle distinguishes this beast from all
      others in these words "the beast which thou saw, was and is
      not." For so I expound the words of the apostle for the
      evidence's sake, as I will further declare in the notes
 (13) The meaning is, that beast which you saw before in
      Re 13:1 and which you have now seen, was (was I say)
      from Julius Caesar in respect to beginning, rising up,
      station, glory, dominion, manner and family, from the house
      of Julius: and yet is not now the same, if you look to the
      house and family: for the dominion of this family was
      translated to another, after the death of Nero from that
      other to a third, from a third to a fourth, and so on, was
      varied and altered by innumerable changes. Finally, the
      Empire is one, as it were one beast: but exceedingly varied
      by kindreds, families, and persons. It was therefore (says
      John) in the kindred or house of Julius: and now it is not
      in that kindred, but translated to another.
 (14) As if he should say, "Also this same that is, shall shortly
      not be: but shall ascend out of the depth, or out of the
      sea" (as was said) in Re 13:1 that is, shall be a new
      stock from among the nations without difference and shall in
      the same state go to into destruction, or run and perish:
      and so shall successively new princes or emperors come and
      go, arise and fall, the body of the beast remaining still,
      but tossed with many frequent alterations, as no man can but
      marvel that this beast was able to stand and hold out, in so
      many mutations, verily no empire that ever was tossed with
      so many changes, and as it were with so many tempests of the
      sea, ever continued so long.

Re 17:9
17:9 {16} And here [is] the mind which hath wisdom. The {c}
     seven heads {17} are seven mountains, on which the woman

 (16) An exhortation preparing for the readers in the same
      argument, as that of Christ "He that hath ears to hear let
      him hear".  I would rather read in this passage "Let there
      be here a mind, etc". So the angel passes to the second
      place of this description.
     (c) Children know what the seven hilled city is, which is
         so much spoken of, and where of Virgil thus reports,
         "And compasses seven towers in one wall", that city it
         is, which when John wrote these things, had rule over
         the kings of the earth. It was and is not, and yet it
         remains to this day, but it is declining to
 (17) This is the description of the beast by things present (as I
      said before) by which John endeavoured to describe the same,
      that he might be both known of the godly in that age, and be
      further observed and marked of posterity afterwards. This
      delineation has one tip, that is, his heads, but a double
      description or application of the type: one permanent, from
      the nature itself, the other changeable, by the working of
      men. The description permanent, is by the seven hills, in
      this verse, the other that flees, is from the seven kings,
      Re 17:10,11.  Here it is worthy to be observed, that
      one type has sometime two or more applications, as seems
      good to the Holy Spirit to express, either one thing by
      various types, or various things by one type. So I noted
      before of the seven spirits in \\see Geneva "Re 1:4"\\.
      Now this woman that sits on seven hills, is the city of
      Rome, called in times past by the Greeks, "upon a hill" i.
      of seven tops or crests and by Varro, "septiceps" i. of her
      seven heads (as here) of seven heads, and by others, "septem
      collis" i.  standing upon seven hills.

Re 17:10
17:10 {18} And there are seven kings: {19} five are fallen, {20}
      and one is, {21} [and] the other is not yet come; and when
      he cometh, he must continue a short space.

 (18) The beginning of these kings or emperors is almost the same
      as the beginning of the Church of Christ, which I showed
      before in \\see Geneva (2) "Re 11:1"\\.  Namely from the
      25th year after the passion of Christ, at which time the
      temple and church of the Jews was overthrown. In this year
      it came to pass by the providence of God, that that saying
      "The beast was, and is not" was fulfilled before the
      destruction of the Jews immediately following, came to pass.
      That was 809 years from the building of the city of Rome at
      which time John counted the emperors who had been, when he
      wrote these things, and foretells two others next to come:
      and with this purpose, that when this particular prediction
      of things to come should take effect, the truth of all other
      predictions in the Church, might be the more confirmed.  God
      in ancient times mentioned this sign in the Law and Jeremiah
      confirmed it in De 18:1-22, Jer 28:8.
 (19) Whose names are these: the first, Servius Sulpitius Galba,
      who was the seventh emperor of the people of Rome, the
      second Marcus Salvius Otho, the third Avlus Vitellius, the
      fourth, Titus Flavius Vespasianus, the fifth, Titus
      Vespasianus his son, of his own name.
 (20) Flavius Domitian, son of the first Vespasian. For in the
      latter end of his days John wrote these things, as
      witnesses Irenaus; Lib. 5 adversus hareses.
 (21) Nerua, The empire being now translated from the family of
      Flavius.  This man reigned only one year, four months and
      nine days, as the history writers tell.

Re 17:11
17:11 {22} And the beast that was, and is not, even he is {23}
      the eighth, and is {24} of the seven, {25} and goeth into

 (22) This is spoken by synecdoche, as if to say, as that head
      of the beast which was and is not, because it is cut off,
      and Nerua in so short time extinguished. How many heads
      there were, so many beasts there seemed to be in one. See
      a similar speech in Re 13:3.
 (23) Nerua Traianus, who in various respects is called here the
      seventh and the eighth.
 (24) Though in number and order of succession he is the eighth
      yet he is counted with one of these heads, because Nerua
      and he were one head. For this man obtained authority
      together with Nerua and was Consul with him, when Nerua
 (25) Namely, to persecute the Churches of Christ, as history
      agrees, and I have briefly noted \\see Geneva "Re 2:10"\\.

Re 17:12
17:12 {26} And the ten horns which thou sawest are {27} ten
      kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive
      power as kings {28} one hour with the beast.

 (26) The third place of this description, as I said in
      \\see Geneva "Re 17:8"\\ is a prophetical prediction of
      things to come, which the beast should do, as in the words
      following John does not obscurely signify, saying, "which
      have not yet received the kingdom, etc". For there is an
      antithesis or opposition between these kings, and those that
      went before. First the persons are described in this verse,
      then their deeds, in the two verses following.
 (27) That is, arising with their kingdoms out of that Roman
      beast: at such time as that political empire began to fall
      by the plotting of the popes.
 (28) Namely, with that second beast, whom we called before a
      false prophet, who ascending out of the earth, got to
      himself all the authority and power of the first beast,
      and exercised the same before his face, as was said in
      Re 14:11,12. For when the political empire of the
      west began to bow downwards, there arose those ten kings,
      and the second beast took the opportunity offered to usurp
      for himself all the power of the former beast. These kings
      long ago, many have numbered and described to be ten, and
      a great part of the events plainly testifies the same in
      this our age.

Re 17:13
17:13 {29} These have one mind, and shall give their power and
      strength unto the beast.

 (29) That is, by consent and agreement, that they may conspire
      with the beast, and depend on his call. Their story is
      divided into three parts, counsels, acts, and events. The
      counsellors some of them consist in communicating of
      judgments and affections: and some in communicating of
      power, which they are said to have given to this beast, in
      this verse.

Re 17:14
17:14 These shall make war with the {30} Lamb, and the Lamb
      shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of
      kings: and they that are with him [are] called, and
      chosen, and faithful.

 (30) With Christ and his Church, as the reason following
      declares, and here are mentioned the facts and events
      which followed for Christ's sake, and for the grace of God
      the Father towards those that are elected, called, and are
      his faithful ones in Christ.

Re 17:15
17:15 {31} And he saith unto me, The waters which thou sawest,
      where the whore sitteth, {32} are peoples, and multitudes,
      and nations, and tongues.

 (31) This is the other part of the narration, as I said in
      \\see Geneva "Re 17:7"\\ belonging to the harlot, showed
      in the vision, Re 17:3. In this history of the harlot,
      these three things are distinctly propounded, what is her
      magnificence, in this verse, what is her fall, and by whom
      it shall happen to her, in Re 17:16,17: and lastly,
      who that harlot is, in Re 17:18. This passage which by
      order of nature should have been the first, is therefore
      made the last, because it was more fit to be joined with the
      next chapter.
 (32) That is, as changing and variable as the waters.  Upon
      this foundation sits this harlot as queen, a vain person,
      on that which is vain.

Re 17:16
17:16 And the ten {33} horns which thou sawest upon the beast,
      these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate
      and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with

 (33) The ten kings, as Re 17:12. The accomplishment of
      this fact and event is daily increased in this our age by
      the singular providence and most mighty government of God.
      Therefore the facts are propounded in this verse, and the
      cause of them in the verses following.

Re 17:17
17:17 {34} For God hath put in their hearts to fulfil his will,
      and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast, until
      the words of God shall be fulfilled.

 (34) A reason rendered from the chief efficient cause, which is
      the providence of God, by which alone John by inversion of
      order affirms to have come to pass, both that the kings
      should execute on the harlot that which pleased God, and
      which he declared in the verse before: and also that by
      one consent and counsel, they should give their kingdom to
      the beast, etc. Re 17:13,14 for as these being
      blinded have before depended on the call of the beast that
      lifts up the harlot, so it is said, that afterward it
      shall come to pass, that they shall turn back, and shall
      fall away from her, when their hearts shall be turned into
      better state by the grace and mercy of God.

Re 17:18
17:18 And the woman which thou sawest is that {35} great city,
      which reigneth over the kings of the earth.

 (35) That is, Rome that great city, or only city (as Justinian
      calls it) the king and head of which was then the emperor,
      but now the pope, since the condition of the beast was

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at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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