Re 9:1
9:1 {1} And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a {2} star fall
    from heaven unto the earth: {3} and to him was given the key
    of the {a} bottomless pit.

 (1) The first execution on the wicked men inhabiting the earth
     (as the angel said before) wrought by the infernal powers
     is declared from here to Re 9:2-11 and after the
     sixth execution to Re 9:12-19 and lastly is shown the
     common event that followed the former execution in the
     world, in the two last verses Re 9:20,21.
 (2) That is, that the angel of God glittering with glory, as a
     star fallen from heaven.  He may be Christ, who has the
     keys of hell by himself and by princely authority,
     Re 1:18 or some inferior angel who has the same key
     entrusted to him and holds it ministerially, or by office
     of his ministry, here and Re 20:10 so the word
     "falling" is taken; Ge 14:10, 24:46, Heb 6:6.
 (3) The key was given to this star.  For those powers of
     wickedness are sent to hell, bound with chains of darkness
     and kept there until damnation, unless God lets them loose
     for a time; 2Pe 2:4, Jude 1:6, Re 20:7 the history
     of these agrees with this chapter.
    (a) By the bottomless pit, he means the deepest darkness of

Re 9:2
9:2 {4} And he opened the bottomless pit; and there arose a
    smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and
    the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of
    the pit.

 (4) To this is added, the smoke of the hellish and infernal
     dark spirits, darkening all things in heaven and in earth.
     The spiritual darkness is the cause of all disorder and
     confusion: For the devil at a certain time sent these
     spirits into his kingdom, that he might at once and with
     one action overthrow all things and pervert if it were
     possible the elect themselves. By this darkness, all
     spiritual light, both active as of the sun and passive as
     of the air which is lightened by the sun, is taken away:
     and this is that which goes before the spirits: it follows
     of the spirits themselves.

Re 9:3
9:3 {5} And there came out of the smoke locusts upon the earth:
    and unto them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth
    have power.

 (5) A description of the malignant spirits invading the world,
     taken from their nature, power, form and order.  From their
     nature, for that they are like certain locust, in
     quickness, subtilty, hurtfulness, number, and such like, in
     this verse.  From their power, for that they are as the
     scorpions of the earth, of a secret force to hurt: for our
     battle is not here with flesh and blood, but with powers
     Eph 6:12 This place of the power of the devils,
     generally noted in this verse, is particularly declared
     afterwards in Re 9:4-6.

Re 9:4
9:4 {6} And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the
    grass of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any
    tree; but only those men which have not the seal of God in
    their foreheads.

 (6) Here the power of the devils is described according to
     their actions and the effects of the same. Their actions
     are said to be limited by the counsel of God: both because
     they do not hurt all men, but only the reprobate (for the
     godly and elect, in whom there is any part of a better
     life, God guards by his decree) whom Christ shall not have
     sealed, in this verse: and also because they did not have
     all power nor at all time, no not over those that are their
     own, but limited in manner and time, by the prescript of
     God in Re 9:5.  So their power to afflict the godly
     is none, and for the wicked is limited in act and in
     effect, by the will of God: for the manner was prescribed
     to them that they should not slay, but torment this
     wretched world.  The time is for five months, or for a
     hundred and fifty days, that is, for so many years, in
     which the devils have indeed mightily perverted all things
     in the world: and yet without that public and unpunished
     license of killing, which afterwards they usurped when the
     sixth angel had blown his trumpet, as shall be said in
     Re 9:13.  Now this space is to be accounted from the
     end of that thousand years mentioned in Re 20:3 and
     that is from the reign of pope Gregory the seventh, a most
     monstrous Necromancer, who before was called Hidebrandus
     Senensis: for this man being made altogether of impiety and
     wickedness, as a slave of the devil, whom he served, was
     the most wicked firebrand of the world: he excommunicated
     the emperor Henry the fourth: went about by all manner of
     treachery to set up and put down Empires and kingdoms as he
     liked: and did not hesitate to set Rodolph the Swedon over
     the Empire instead of Henry, sending to him a crown, with
     this verse annexed to it: "Petra dedid Petro, Petrus
     diadema Rodolpho" that is, "The Rock to Peter gave the
     Crown, and Peter Rodolph doth renown".  Finally, he so
     finely bestirred himself in his affairs, as he miserably
     set all Christendom on fire, and conveyed over to his
     successors the burning brand of the same who enraged with
     like ambition, never ceased to nourish that flame, and to
     kindle it more and more: by which cities, commonwealths and
     whole kingdoms set together by the ears amongst themselves
     by most expert cut-throats, came to ruin, while they
     miserably wounded one another. This term of a hundred and
     fifty years, ends in the time of Gregory the ninth or
     Hugolinus Anagniensis (as he was called before) who caused
     Raimond his chaplain and confessor to compile the writings
     of Decretals, and by permission of the kings and princes,
     published them in the Christian world, and established them
     as Law: For by this trick at length the popes gave
     themselves licence to kill whom they would, while others
     were unaware: and without fear established a butchery out
     of many of the wicked Canons of the Decretals, which the
     trumpet of the fifth angel had expressly forbidden and had
     hindered until this time.  The effects of these bloody
     actions are declared in Re 9:6 that the miserable
     world languishing in so great calamities, should willingly
     seek death and prefer the it over life, by reason of the
     severity of the miseries that oppressed them.

Re 9:7
9:7 {7} And the shapes of the locusts [were] like unto horses
    prepared unto battle; and on their heads [were] as it were
    crowns like gold, and their faces [were] as the faces of

 (7) The form of these hellish spirits and administers, is
     outlined by signs and visible figures in this manner:
     that they are very expert and swift: that wherever they are
     in the world, the kingdom is theirs: that they manage all
     their affairs with cunning and skill, in this verse: that
     making show of mildness and tender affection to draw on men
     with, they most impudently rage in all mischief: that
     they are most mighty to do hurt Re 9:8 that they
     are freed from being hurt by any man, as armed with the
     colour of religion and sacred authority of privilege: that
     they fill all things with horror, Re 9:9 that they
     are fraudulent: that they are poisonous and extremely
     offensive though their power is limited. Re 9:10.  All
     these things are found in the infernal powers and communicated
     by them to their ministers and vassals.

Re 9:11
9:11 {8} And they had a king over them, [which is] the angel of
     the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue [is]
     Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath [his] name Apollyon.

 (8) The order of powers of maliciousness: that they are subject
     to one infernal king, whom you may call, The Destroyer: who
     drives the whole world both Jews and Gentiles into the
     destruction that belongs to himself.  I cannot tell whether
     this name has respect to the etymological interpretation of
     Hildebrand, by a figure often used in the Holy Scripture:
     which albeit it may otherwise be turned of the Germans (as
     the sense of compound words is commonly ambiguous) yet in
     very deed it signifies as much as if you should call him,
     the firebrand, that is, he that sets on fire those that are
     faithful to him.

Re 9:12
9:12 {9} One woe is past; [and], behold, there come two woes
     more hereafter.

 (9) A passage to the next point and the history of the time

Re 9:13
9:13 {10} And the sixth angel sounded, {11} and I heard a voice
     from the {b} four horns of the golden altar which is before

 (10) The sixth execution done on the world by the tyrannical
      powers of it, working in the four parts of the earth, that
      is, in most cruel manner execution their tyrannous dominion
      through out the whole world: and killing the miserable
      people without punishment, which before was not lawful for
      them to do in that sort, as I showed in Re 9:4.  This
      narration has two parts: a commandment from God, in Re 9:14
      and an execution of the commandment, in Re 9:15.
 (11) The commandment given by Christ himself, who is governor
      over all.
     (b) He alludes to the altar of incense, which stood in the
         court which the priests were in, opposite the Ark of the
         Covenant, having a veil between them.

Re 9:14
9:14 Saying to the sixth angel which had the trumpet, {12} Loose
     the four angels which are bound in the great river

 (12)  As if he should have said, these till now have been bound
       by the power of God, that they could not freely run over
       all men as they lusted, but were held and restrained at
       that great river of Euphrates, that is, in their spiritual
       Babylon (or this is a paraphrase of the spiritual
       Babylon, by the limits of the visible Babylon long since
       overthrown) that they might not commit those horrible
       slaughters, which they long breathed after.  Now go to it,
       let loose those four angels, that is, administers of the
       wrath of God, in that number that is convenient to the
       slaughtering of the four quarters of the world: stir them
       up and give them the bridle, that rushing out of that
       Babylon of theirs, which is the seat of the wicked ones,
       they may fly over all the world, therein to rage, and
       most licentiously to practise their tyranny, as God has
       ordained.  This was done when Gregory the ninth by public
       authority established as Law, his own Decretals, by which
       he might freely lay traps for the life of simple men.
       For who is it that sees not that the laws of Decretal,
       most of them are snares to catch souls with?  Since
       that time (O good God) how many great slaughters have
       there been?  How many great massacres?  All history is
       full of them: and this our age abounds with most horrible
       and monstrous examples of the these.

Re 9:15
9:15 {13} And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared
     for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to
     slay the third part of men.

 (13) The execution of the commandment is in two parts: one,
      that those butchers are let loose, that out of their tower
      of the spiritual Babylon they might with fury run abroad
      through all the world, as well the chief of that crew
      who are most prompt to all the work, in this verse: as
      their multitudes, both most copious, of which a number
      certain is named for a number infinite Re 9:16 and
      in themselves by all means fully furnished to hide and to
      hurt Re 9:17 as being armed with fire, smoke and
      brimstone, as appears in the colour of this armour, which
      dazzles the eyes to all men, and have the strength of
      lions to cause pain, from which (as out of their mouth)
      the fiery, smoky, and stinking darts of the pope are shot
      out Re 9:18 The other part, that these butchers
      have effected the commandment of God by fraud and
      violence, in the two verses following Re 9:16,17.

Re 9:19
9:19 For their power is in their mouth, and in their tails: {14}
     for their tails [were] like unto serpents, and had heads,
     and with them they do hurt.

 (14) That is, they are harmful on all sides: on whatever part you
      put your hand to them, or they touch you, they do hurt. So
      the former are called Scorpions, Re 9:3.

Re 9:20
9:20 {15} And the rest of the men which were not killed by these
     plagues yet repented not of the works of their hands, that
     they should not worship devils, and idols of gold, and
     silver, and brass, and stone, and of wood: which neither
     can see, nor hear, nor walk:

 (15) Now remains the event (as I said on the first verse),
      \\see Geneva "Re 9:1"\\ which followed so many grievous
      judgments in the most wicked world, namely an impenitent
      affirmation of the ungodly in their impiety and
      unrighteousness, though they feel themselves most vehemently
      pressed with the hand of God: for their obstinate ungodliness
      is showed in this verse: and their unrighteousness in the
      verse following Re 9:21.  So far has been the general
      history of things to be done universally in the whole world:
      which because it does not so much belong to the Church of
      Christ, is therefore not so expressly distinguished by
      certainty of time and other circumstances, but is woven, as
      they say, with a slight hand.  Also there is no other reason
      why the history of the seventh angel is passed over in this
      place, then for that the same more properly appertains to the
      history of the Church.  But this is more diligently set out
      according to its time, Re 11:16 as shall appear on
      those places.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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