We do not charge the advocates of the partial-rapture theory with intentionally doing this, nay we are fully satisfied that most if not all of them would shrink back in horror from wittingly committing such a sin. Yet, we do say that this is the logical and actual outcome of their teaching. A long drawn-out argument is not needed to prove this after what we have said above under the first two heads. If the Rapture is the consummation of the application of our salvation then anything which makes that salvation, or any part thereof, dependent upon anything in or from us, necessarily attacks the Finished Work of Christ upon which alone our salvation rests.
As we have already said, the Rapture is the time when Christ returns to conduct His blood-bought people to the Father's House (John 14:1-3). What then is it that gives title and fitness for the Father's House? Surely there can be only one answer to this question. Surely none but those who are ignorant of the character and contents of the Gospel of God would declare that our wretched works are needed to supplement the Cross-Work of Christ. But, blessed be God, the point we are now considering is not left to be determined by logical deductions, but is the express subject of Divine revelation. In Col. 1:12 we are exhorted to give thanks unto the Father "which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light." The "inheritance of the saints in light" is not a matter of attainment as certain teachers are today affirming, but is an occasion of thanksgiving to God, because it is due solely to His grace. Observe carefully the tense of the verb here: it is not we are "being made meet," still less that we are making ourselves meet, but "which HATH made us meet." Again we ask, What is it that gives us title to the inheritance of the saints in light? And we reply, Nought but the precious blood and infinite merits of our great God and Saviour Jesus Christ. What was it that qualified the "Prodigal" for a place at the Father's table? Did he have to submit to a lengthy probation after he returned home and before he was permitted to feast with the Father? No; the "best robe"--which is the portion of every believer--was all that was needed. Was not the "Repentant Thief" made meet for the inheritance of the saints in light the same hour in which he believed? Unquestionably, for our Lord assured him, "Today shalt thou be with Me in Paradise." If then the "best robe" was all that the Prodigal needed to fit him for a place at the Father's table, and if repentance toward God and faith in our lord Jesus Christ was sufficient to translate the Dying Thief to Paradise, is it not clear that nothing further will be demanded of those whom the Lord shall conduct to the Father's House at the time of His Return?