QuestAgent Search
- Enter one or more keywords.
- Searches are not case sensitive.
- Use quotes to find an exact phrase, for example: "big
- You can enter multiple keywords, such as good
food. Or you can enter a Boolean expression, using AND, OR and
- Multiple keywords entered without a Boolean use the AND expression. Thus,
entering good food is
the same as entering good and food.
- You can use an expression like pizza or pie to find pages containing
either keyword.
- You can also use parentheses in Boolean expressions. For example, you can
enter (pizza and cheese) or pie.
- You can use the asterisk (*) as a suffix wildcard character in keywords.
For example, enter cook*
to find pages with keywords such as cook
or cookery or cooking.
- Use NEAR operator to find keywords that appear near to each other. For example,
type peanut near butter
to find documents with words peanut and butter appearing one
near another.
- Beside using NEAR operator, you can specify how close keywords could be.
For example, use "peanut w/5
butter" (with quotes) to find documents where words peanut
and butter appear within a frame of 5 words, or "w/7
peanut butter cookie" to find peanut, butter and cookie within
a 7 word frame. Note that common words are not counted as part of word frame.
- If no matches are found,
reword your query and try again.
- If you have
trouble with this search interface, try the Basic Search page. That page is also able
to return more than 100 hits (500 by default).