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Bowed with a burden none can weigh save Thee, Strength of my life, on Thee I cast my care; My heart must prove its own infirmity, But what shall move me, if my God be there? | |
O for a thankful song with every breath, While amid fading flowers and withering grass, I, with Thee, through the grave and gate of death, On to my joyful resurrection pass.
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Armed with the spirit of my Master's mind, How shall I spare a thought that He would slay? Lord I would leave those things which are behind, And press towards Heaven through all the narrow way. | |
Bright be my prospect as I pass along; -- An ardent service at the cost of all, -- Love by untiring ministry made strong, And ready for the first, the softest call. | |
Yes, God is faithful -- and my lot is cast; O not myself to serve, my own to be! Light of my life, the darkness now is past, And I beneath the Cross can work for Thee. |