The file should have one line for every link to be added. Each line has 10 fields, separated by the | (vertical bar) character. The fields contain the following information:
[Title] [Type] [URL] [Source] [SourceURL] [Book] [Chapter] [FV] [TV] [email] [public domain?]
The title is the name of the link to the resource. The Type is one of About, Scripture, Commentaries, Sermons, Sermon Outlines, Meditations, Studies, etc. If necessary you can create a new Type. The URL is the reference for the resource. (If you are uploading a file, give the name of the file here.)
The Source appears after the title, and it should say something about where the link comes from, e.g. the author's name. You can optionally have a SourceURL, so that clicking the Source will give more information. (If there is no Source URL, then there would be two | characters between Source and Book.)
The Book is the Bible book; the Chapter is zero if the reference is to a whole book. FV is the "from verse" and TV is the "to verse". TV is zero if the reference is to a single verse; FV is also zero if the reference is to a whole chapter.
The Email field contains the email address of the contact person for this reference -- should the link go bad, etc. This email address will not appear on the web page at all. The Public Domain field contains the letter "y" or "n", depending on whether the item is in the public domain. I am hesitant to add links to items that are not in the public domain.
For example, a reference to a meditation on Romans 8:1-28 might be
You should also send me an email message saying what you have uploaded and stating either that the items are public domain or freely accessible.