The Story of Jesus
an Astrological Allegory
the Sun passing through the Zodiac each year

(From the 1907 book by Lyman E. Stowe
Stowe's Bible Astrology: The Bible Founded on Astrology (Kessinger Publishing), pp. 130-136)

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Now the Sun is re-born every year on the 25th day of December; that is, the days begin to lengthen. It is the winter solstice. He is his own father. He is born in the stable between the constellations of the horse and goat, Sagittarius and Capricornus.

The Bible uses a day for a year. The Astrologer uses a day for a year.

Thirty years alter Christ’s birth he was baptized. Thirty days after the Sun is born he enters the sign Aquarius, the water-bearer (Baptismo). After his baptism Christ took his disciples from among the fishermen, and the Sun next enters the sign Pisces, the fishes. We observe Lent and eat fish one day of the week in honor of the Sun’s passage through the sign of the fishes.

Look at the cut again. Christ then became the good shepherd of the flock. The Sun enters the sign Aries, the lamb. He is yet young, the lamb or the young Sun God.

Christ then went out to the salvation of men. Let us see how the Sun God goes out to the salvation of men.

The ancients had consumed the products of the year before and were praying for their Sun God to come back and warm the earth, to bring forth vegetation, which all animal life required. He came, and now he must go forth to the salvation of man; fit the fields for plowing. The bull comes in here for his share of glory, and he is worshiped, because he represents agriculture. The fields are plowed and seed is sown for a late harvest. Look at the cut — the twins represent increase.

Christ spoke of the backsliders. Every year the Sun enters the sign Cancer. June 21st to July 22d, symbolized by the crab, which crawls backward, and all vegetation dries up and retreats back into the earth.

This is the summer solstice, or John the Baptist, born just six months before Christ, and �who says, John III-30,

“He must increase and I must decrease.”

Christ became the Lion of the twelve tribes of Judah. Every year the Sun enters the sign Leo, the lion, and becomes the Lion of the Twelve Signs of the Zodiac.

When? Why, the 22d of July to 23d of August, when the Sun is hottest; exerts most power, the “Lion.”

Let the reader look at the cut at each paragraph or description of each sign.

Our Christian friends sup to the vestal virgin. When? Every year when the Sun enters the sign Virgo, whose symbol is the Virgin, August 23d to September 23d. Now look at the cut and the central cross, on which the Sun is Crucified every year, and you will see the Sun has passed over the cross on which he is annually crucified, and, like Christ, has his cross on his back — i.e., passed over it.

Our Christian friends lay much stress upon the judgment day. Every year, on the 23d day of September, the Sun enters the sign Libra, symbolized by the balance. Every year after harvest the farmer balances up his books and pays his debts. But there the Sun God presents a parallel to the Son of God on the road to the crucifixion. The Sun begins to retreat, the days to grow shorter. The Sun, like Christ, is bearing his cross toward the crucifixion. Keep the eye on the cut. The Son of God was crucified between the two thieves. The Sun God is crucified between the two heavenly thieves. Scorpio and Sagittarius, October 23d to November 22d — November 22d to December 21st. There is a harvest somewhere every month in the year, except these two months, the heavenly thieves.

The Sun lost its power, retreated back where it is white and cold. But Sagittarius became the repentant thief, gives up, does not wait until January 1st, but gives up December 25th. And after the Sun comes out of hades, where he was for three days, while the days are of one length, he is re-born, the same as Christ. There are three days about the same length, the three days the Son of God was supposed to have descended into hades.

Is this not complete?
Have I left anything out?
What? You say No?
Yes, I have left out the betrayer.
Who was the betrayer?
Judas Iscariot was Christ’s betrayer.
But who was the Sun God’s betrayer?

The ancients had noticed, notwithstanding their prayers and sacrifices, every year the Sun deserted them and went back until, to them, he died, was finally resurrected. They could not believe their loved Sun God could willingly desert them, so they looked into the heavens to see why he went back.

In the tall, every year, they saw him retreat, apparently followed by a tremendous heavenly host, for there are more stars in the constellations Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius than in any others, and it was these stars that seemed to be chasing and pressing the Sun back. They were led on by a bright and beautiful star the ancients had seen in the east, in early morning, in spring and summer months, just as we do now. By the tip of the earth he has apparently fallen to evening star, leading on the heavenly host. We call it Venus, the Goddess of Love. They called it “Lucifer, the light-bearer.”

So they cried, “How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, Star of the Morning?” And so here you have the story of the war in heaven.


Let me here call attention to another phase of the story, though bearing more heavily in favor of the ideal than the real. I am compelled to give the Catholic Church a considerable credit here, for holding in form at least the sacredness of virtue which they hold to so strongly in the celibacy of the priesthood and sacredness of the marriage ties, if not in the immaculate conception. All of this was no doubt drawn from a parallel story in the heavens, originally by the sex worshippers.

      Christ, the Son of God, was always talking out of doors, mostly in the summer time.
      So do we look upon the sun, mostly in summer.

      Christ had 12 disciples.
      The sun has 12 disciples or 12 signs of the Zodiac.

      Christ was betrayed by a kiss from Judas Iscariot.
      The sun is betrayed by a kiss from Lucifer, the light bearer, we call Venus the Goddess of Love.

      Christ was wont to go to the garden of Gethsemane, where he was finally pursued by the hosts, led on by Judas Iscariot.
      Where this garden was situated no one knows.
      The word Gethsemane means olives or oil press — says Potter;

The sun takes his course through the gardens at the summer months, pursued by the heavenly host of stars of Sagittarius, the sign of religion, and Scorpio and Libra, led on by Lucifer, the light bearer, or Venus.

As Judas betrayed Christ, so does Lucifer or Venus betray the sun in this way.

The sun is the life giver, yet stands alone in his virtue.

Knowing his time has come to be crucified, he offers the last supper of the harvest year, after which he offers a sop to the 12 signs or disciples; that is, in the fall as in the spring there is apparently a new lease of life, animal desires are strengthened as if for a temptation for self destruction. Old age forgets its weakness and wastes vital forces. The lower animals propagate their species; even the trees and flowers put forth new efforts. This is the sop the sun gives at the last supper.

Venus, the Goddess of Love, or Lucifer, as they called it, exerts the influences of passion on all nature, the kiss of betrayal, that is, the wages of sin is death. The old man loses his vitality, the lower animals bring forth their young to perish by the rigors of winter, the trees and flowers are caught by the early frosts; thus, “The wages of sin is death.” All the results of the betrayal by a kiss of passion, for which Lucifer, I. e., Venus, the Goddess of Love, is ashamed of.

We must remember that Judas betrayed the Master for 30 pieces of silver. Matthew xxvii:5 says:

      “And he cast down the pieces of silver in the temple, and went out and hanged himself.”

Here the writer evidently made a mistake. There was no parallel for his hanging himself, but a later writer seeing the error, astrologically says — Acts 1:18:

      “Now this man purchased a field with the reward of iniquity; and falling headlong, he burst asunder in the midst, and all his bowels gushed out.”
(See cut of cosmic man.)

We must remember that at the time Christ was betrayed it was in the garden at night time.

The silver moon is the ruler of the night, and the beautiful autumn nights are longer than the days, and there are 30 degrees in each sign. These 30 silver moon nights are the 30 pieces of silver Lucifer, Venus, betrayed the sun for. He had been the morning star, but now betrayed for the 30 pieces of silver night, but now cast them down in the potter’s field a graveyard of fall tragedies and disappears here, only to appear again as morning star in the spring, and we see nothing but the man with his bowels broke asunder, which covers Virgo, Libra and Scorpio to the secrets, and Lucifer disappears, to be born again in the springtime.

We must remember a piece of silver was of but 13 cents of our money or 30 pieces of but $3.90; a very small sum to get for the betrayal to death.

That is an evidence of an allegory.

Which is it, a sacred novel founded on astronomy, or is the story of the Son of God paralleled in the heavens as a testimony?

The truths supposed to be spoken by Christ stamp the character too grand and noble to be cast down. whichever way it is, and If I must err I will err on the side that bears the strongest testimony. If I accept it as an allegory I have but one side; if I accept it as a parallel I have a testimony.

Now which is it?

Is the Christian religion, with all other religions, together with Mythology and Free Masonry, based upon Astrology? Or is it a fact that the Sun and stars are enacting the story of the Christian religion every year? Is the fact about to be recognized that the observation of Sunday as a religious holiday originated with an Astrologer, and is a testimony that the whole work is Astrological?

(From the 1907 book by Lyman E. Stowe
Stowe's Bible Astrology: The Bible Founded on Astrology (Kessinger Publishing), pp. 204-210)

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