Scrolls From the Dead Sea:
The Ancient Library of
Qumran and Modern Scholarship
- Barry, Iris. Discovering Archaeology. London: Trewin Copplestone
Books, 1981.
- A well-illustrated introduction to the way archaeologists
work, the historic treasures they find, the conclusions they
- Carey, Helen H. How to use maps and globes. New York: Franklin
Watts, 1983.
- Clearly written explanation of how maps and globes are
designed and how to use them.
- Discoveries in the Judaean Desert series, I - IX. Oxford:
Clarendon Press, 1955 - 1992.
- The DJD is the official publication of the Dead Sea Scrolls.
Additional volumes are planned over the next few years. The
series includes identification, dating, and other technical
information about the texts. Teachers should be aware of
this scholarly series even though it may be inappropriate
for use by most secondary school students.
- Fitzmyer, Joseph A. The Dead Sea Scrolls: Major Publications and
Tools for Study. Society of Biblical Literature Resources for
Biblical Study, no. 20. Atlanta, Ga: Scholars Press, 1990.
- A basic reference book that allows you to see what has been
published about each scroll.
- Fitzmyer, Joseph A. Responses to 101 Questions on the Dead Sea
Scrolls. New York: Paulist Press, 1992.
- Answers to the most frequently asked questions about the
scrolls by a prominent scholar in the field.
- Hackwell, W. John. Signs, Letters, Words. New York: Scribner's,
- A history of writing as put together from archaeological
- Shanks, Hershel, editor. Understanding the Dead Sea Scrolls: A
Reader from the Biblical Archaeology Review. New York: Random
House, 1992.
- Anthology of articles by various authors with different
points of view which provides a popular introduction to the
controversy surrounding the Dead Sea Scrolls. The editor was
responsible for getting the scrolls exposed to the world
through facsimile editions.
- Vermes, Geza. The Dead Sea Scrolls In English. 3rd edition.
London: Penguin Books, 1990.
- An authoritative translation of the scrolls by an Oxford
scholar. In hardback and paperback editions.
- Vermes, Geza. The Dead Sea Scrolls: Qumran in Perspective.
Revised edition. Philadelphia, Fortress Press, 1977.
- Presents the view that the scrolls are a product of the
Essenes, a sectarian group. Provides a good introduction on
a scholarly level. Available in hardback and paperback
editions. The author is the keynote speaker at the Library
of Congress symposium.
- Wilson, Edmund. Israel and the Dead Sea Scrolls. New York:
Farrar Straus Giroux, 1978.
- Excellent introduction by a famous critic concerning the
discovery and early theories about the Qumran community.
First appeared in the New Yorker in the 1950's where it
served to introduce millions of Americans to the Dead Sea
- Yadin, Yigael. The Temple Scroll: The Hidden Law of the Dead Sea
Sect. New York: Random House, 1985.
- Describes the last large scroll -- the Temple Scroll -- to
be uncovered. The profuse illustrations and accessible
content make this a worthwhile book for secondary school
- The Arab World.
[Videorecording]. Middleton, WI: Knowledge Unlimited, 1988. 20
min., col., vhs. Incl. tchr's. guide.
Tel: 608-836-6660
- Depicts the Arab world as the gateway to Africa, Asia, and
Europe. The earliest civilizations and three major world
religions took root in this part of the world. It is rich in
one of the most vital natural resources, oil, and in the
20th century, it has been a land in nearly constant turmoil
& conflict.
- The Archaeologist and How He Works.
[Videorecording]. Chicago, IL: International Film Bureau, Inc.
1965. 18 min., col., vhs; beta; 3/4".
Tel: 312-427-4545
- Filmed on an actual archaeological expedition and shows all
phases of the operation from planning, to handling
materials, to follow-up work in museums.
- The Dead Sea in Biblical Times.
[Videorecording]. New York, NY: Doko Communications, Inc. 1988.
col., vhs; beta.
- Visits many sites important to Christianity and Judaism.
- Dead Sea Scrolls.
[Film]. Panorama City, CA: Family Films, 1960. 15 min., col.,
Address: 14622 Lanarck St.,
Panorama City, CA 91402
- Shows the caves and sites where the Dead Sea Scrolls were
discovered. The thousands of fragments being worked on by
scholars and other scenes emphasize the importance of the
discovery of the scrolls.
- Israel: History, Land & People.
[Videorecording]. New Y, NY: Phoenix/ BFA Films & Video, 1978. 18
min., col., vhs; beta; 16mm.
Tel: 800-221-1274
- Tells the story of the Jewish people and their homeland
starting with Biblical times. Moves through Jewish history
to the establishment of modern Israel in 1948.
- Qumran and the Dead Sea Scrolls.
[Film]. Madison, WI: Bureau of Audio-Visual Instruction, {Univ.
of WI-La Crosse}, 1972. 25 min., col., 16 mm.
Tel: 800-831-9504
- Shows the caves where the scrolls and fragments were found
and rooms in the ruins of Qumran on the shores of the Dead
Sea. Dr. Charles Fritsch interviews Dr.Yigael Yadin about
the Temple Scroll and the monastic sect of Essenes.
- Secrets of the Dead Sea Scrolls.
[Videorecording]. Princeton, NJ: Films for the Humanities, Inc.,
1992. 60 min., col,. vhs; beta; 3/4".
Tel: 800-257-5126
- Originally presented on the PBS Nova series. Documents how
the scrolls were discovered by a Bedouin shepherd, smuggled
to Bethlehem, and sold on the black market to antiquities
dealers. Discusses the meaning of the scrolls and the
scholarly debate concerning the scrolls and the Qumran ruin.
Following is a list of organizations that conduct activities and
provide a variety of information related to archeology and Near
East history and geography.
- American Schools of Oriental Research
711 West 40th Street, Suite 354
Baltimore, MD 21211
Phone: (301) 889-1383
Dr. Eric M. Meyers, President
- Conducts archaeological research on the peoples and cultures
of the Near East, from the early to modern periods.
Maintains data bases. Publishes the Biblical Archeologist,
the Journal of Cuneiform Studies, a monograph series, and a
quarterly newsletter.
- Biblical Archaeology Society
3000 Connecticut Avenue, NW Suite 300
Washington, D.C. 20008
Phone: (202) 387-8888
- Publishers of the influential journal, Biblical Archaeology
Review as well as other publications relating to the Dead
Sea scrolls and Near Eastern archaeology.
- Israel Exploration Society
P. O. Box 7041
Jerusalem, 91070, Israel
- Publishes a journal and monograph series in English on
archaeology of the Holy Land.
- Near East Archaeological Society
c/o Dr. W. Harold Mare
Covenant Theological Seminary
12330 Conway Road
St. Louis, MO 63141
Phone: (314) 434-4044
- Promotes archaeological and biblical research in Israel and
the surrounding Near East region. Publishes a journal and
provides information.
- Society of Biblical Literature
1549 Clairmont Road, Suite 204
Decatur, GA 30033-4635
Phone: (404) 636-4744
David J. Lull, Executive Director
- Supports the study of ancient languages, textual criticism,
history, and archaeology of the Near Eastern and
Mediterranean regions. Maintains data bases. Publishes a
journal and educational and reference materials.
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