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Chapter 7
The Chakras of the Seven Bodies
As mentioned in Chapter 4, we have seven basic bodies or vibratory rates which our
units of consciousness inhabit. Our chakras relate to these particular levels: physical,
emotional or astral, mental, intuitional/compassionate, will/spirit, soul, and divine. The
first three relate to our personality levels and the last four to our spiritual levels.
Each of the seven bodies has seven different levels or sublevels, the vibratory rates of
which correspond to the seven main bodies; for example, the physical body has sublevels of
the physical, emotional or astral mental, intuitional /compassionate, will/ spirit, soul
and divine. Each sublevel has its own energy vortices (chakras). The strongest chakras in
each body are the double chakras-for example, the physical chakras of the physical body,
the emotional centers of the emotional body, the mental level of the mental body. See
Chart 1 in the previous chapter for information about the purpose of the chakras in
relation to the body levels and sub levels. Chart 2 on the following page gives locations
of an the sublevels.
All levels are interrelated; what affects one affects the others. A problem that manifests
on a certain level in one body will also manifest on the corresponding level in the other
six. For example, trouble at the emotional level in the physical body will mean trouble at
the emotional eve in the emotional, mental, intuitional/ compassionate, will/spirit, soul
and divine bodies. It is also true that release or cleansing at one level will facilitate
release or cleansing at its corresponding level in the other bodies. The ultimate goal is
for all to be cleansed and in harmony, at which point we have our greatest power and sense
of well-being.
Example. Trouble on the third (mental) level of the intuitional/ compassionate
body can cause a poor attitude toward the things you understand. It would appear either as
a mindset that your understanding has no value, or as feeling that your understanding is
absolute truth (making you inflexible and proud). This malfunction on the mental level of
the intuitional /compassionate body will probably also cause a malfunction in your
attitude toward your physical body, your feelings, your mental ability, and your power to
think (will/spirit). When you have trouble accepting your physical body you may also have
trouble at the physical level of every other body: your stomach (emotional body), throat
(mental body), liver (intuitional/compassionate body), the palms and soles of your feet
(will/spirit body), your instep and sides of the wrists (soul level body), and the ends of
your toes and ends of the fingers (divine body).
Differences between the Piscean and Aquarian Ages
During the roughly 2600 years of the Piscean Age people have spent entire lives working
primarily on one body or at the most two or three bodies; but now we need to cleanse and
develop all bodies to achieve the necessary unity for utilizing the power of Aquarian Age
energies. This is one reason so much unresolved karma seems to be coming to a head; we're
experiencing a general housecleaning in all areas. People who have difficulty handling the
powerful Aquarian Age cleansing energies may respond to the pressure of the energy and
their inability to use it constructively by becoming angry, violent or depressed. Those
who have already achieved good cleansing and unification in their bodies, or who are at
least doing intensive cleansing work, will be able to use the Aquarian Age energies in
constructive, joyful, creative, and spiritual ways.
One aspect of the Aquarian Age is increased awareness of the physical body and its
functions. Most of us have been trained to rely primarily on our brainpower for
information; but, tuning into the consciousness received through the body by the chakras,
we will be more in tune with higher mental and spiritual energies and freer from
restrictions and brain programming. Development and use of the brain was very important in
the Piscean Age, but now we also need to expand to higher octaves of mental and spiritual
Bodies and Chakras
The following diagrams show the locations of the seven chakra levels of each body. You
may wish to be aware of troublesome areas in your own body and their corresponding
chakras. In the next chapter you will find exercises to aid the cleansing and development.

Physical Body
The physical body is the densest of the seven bodies, the only one which can be seen
without clairvoyant vision. Through the physical body we express, we receive, we become
aware. These seven chakra levels comprise the physical body:
1. Physical Level
- Four Locations: heels of the feet and hands.
- Function: energy outlet for self assertion and for releasing physical aggressiveness;
power spots.
- Too open: very demanding.
- Blocked: tendency to walk more on the toes; not to express the self or no desire to be
noticed; a feeling of walking on egg shells; hands may seem cold and pulled back;
difficulty in reaching out, shaking hands or touching others.
2. Emotional Level
- Location: spleen.
- Function: peace on the emotional level.
- Too open: excessive anger expressed, sometimes in unhealthy ways.
- Blocked: holding excessive anger which may be released in subconscious ways.
3. Mental Level
- Four Locations: top of shoulders above the arm sockets and at the pelvic bone on either
side (sit bones).
- Function: expression of mental attitudes toward the body and its functioning in the
physical world.
- open: excessive awareness and preoccupation with the body. in
- Blocked: no awareness of exhaustion, fatigue or pain; not in touch with the physical
body and unable to work with its problems
4. IntuitionallCompassionate Level
- Two Locations: cheekbones, slightly below them and inside the jawbone.
- Function: releases energy for deeper understanding or compassion toward the body.
- Too open: preoccupation with the body.
- Blocked: ignoring needs of the body; very similar to the previous chakra.
5. Will/Spirit Level
- Location: between the breasts on the breastbone.
- Function: willingness to really live life; provides willpower for physical activities
and for survival.
- Too open: lack of caution when caution is needed.
- Blocked: fear of really living or putting one's heart -into actions; sometimes no will
to live.
6. Soul Level
- Two Locations: adrenal glands (on top of kidneys).
- Function: self-preservation; awareness of need for fight or flight; action on an I
AMness level; marshalling forces for a healthy body.
- Too open: too concerned with fight or flight or with getting one's own way.
- Blocked: needing to justify one's existence; feeling disconnected from soul level;
repressed anger; open to illness and feelings of rejection.
7. Divine Level
- Location: root chakra-coccyx bone (tail bone).
- Function: cleanses and harmonizes lower level energies; sense of security through
groundedness with earth and higher level energy.
- Too open: excessive risk taking.
- Blocked: lack of security; inability to handle lower level energies well.

Emotional Body
The emotional body has a vibratory rate through which we feel and express emotions;
it is also a passageway to the divine and when fully developed serves as an outlet for
feelings of divine love.
1. Physical Level
- Location: stomach.
- Function: digestion of emotions.
- Too open: gullible; excessive emphasis on feelings.
- Blocked: inability to stomach or digest emotions; inability to act appropriately with
2. Emotional Level
- Location: navel.
- Function: strongest of the emotional chakras; connecting link with other people on
feeling level.
- Too open: too emotional; inability to think clearly because of the excessive pressure of
the emotions.
- Blocked: less refined or developed feelings; may be volcanic in nature; though energies
may be blocked here a person would still be excessively preoccupied with feelings.
3. Mental Level
- Location: in the lower back above the root chakra and below the small of the back.
- Function: thinking or reasoning about feelings; humor and acceptance of life.
- Too open: excessively preoccupied with feelings.
- Blocked: no humor; taking feelings and self too seriously.
4. Intuitional/Compassionate Level
- Location: xiphoid process (attached to bottom of breastbone).
- Function: sorting out what is right or not right for the person; beginning of conscience
- Too open: excessive guilt feelings; always trying to justify or explain one's position
or feelings.
- Blocked: blocked guilt feelings; may take on others' expectations without understanding
5. Will/Spirit Level
- Location: below the waist on the spine in the back.
- Function: emotional strength; helps to balance emotions; aids in the feeling of having
- Too open: pushing one's will on others through emotional means; excessively forceful.
- Blocked: weak willed; easily swayed emotionally about others.
6. Soul Level
- Two Locations: both sides of compassionate heart chakra.
- Function: helps strengthen your ability to give and receive love and to be aware of your
own I AMness in the loving process.
- Too open: may feel an excessive need to love others or be loved by others.
- Blocked: not daring to love or not feeling worthy to love or be loved; blocks on the
right side relate to attitudes about loving; blocks on the left side relate to feelings
about loving.
7. Divine Level
- Location: compassionate heart chakra (center of upper chest).
- Function: feeling unity of all levels; integration of emotions for balance; equilibrium;
love, compassion and understanding of others.
- Too open: excessively concerned about loving enough; about doing enough for others; a
person may feel wiped out.
- Blocked: hard hearted; closed; afraid to love.

Mental Body
The mental body is the vibratory rate through which we think and reason. When we
operate in the lower levels of the mental body our thoughts and attitudes may be heavily
influenced by feelings, giving rise to a "desire mind," products of which
include prejudices, opinions, and other forms of emotionally-flavored thinking. Operating
at the higher levels of the mental body we are capable of abstract thinking, creativity,
logical reasoning, mathematics, and philosophy.
1. Physical Level
- Location: lower throat.
- Function: accepting what is; organizing ways to work with situations; a feeling of power
to make changes.
- Too open: always trying to take control of things, usually other people's lives.
- Blocked: inability to accept (swallow) mentally; inability to work with situations; may
have excessive pride or prejudices.
2. Emotional Level
- Location: temples.
- Function: feelings about things perceived.
- Too open: excessive attempts to comprehend everything
- Blocked: may distort vision or only see what is comfortably perceived.
3. Mental Level
- Location: third eye (between eyebrows).
- Function: home of ego; strengthens self as separate individual; psychic sight.
- Too open: egotistical.
- Blocked: weak or reversed ego; closed to other dimensions of life.
4. Intuitional/Compassionate Level
- Location: center of transverse colon (above navel).
- Function: emotional level of acceptance or rejection of thoughts; emotional-mental
- Too open: feeling one's thoughts are excessively important.
- Blocked: undigested thought forms or ideas; can lead to constipation.
5. Will/Spirit Level
- Location: upper throat, at the base of the tongue and straight back under the chin.
- Function: activates will to express thoughts and speak up.
- Too open: excessive expression of thoughts (talk too much).
- Blocked: lack of confidence in one's mental abilities; choking on words; sore throat.
6. Soul Level
- Location: fifth eye (center of forehead).
- Function: activates higher mind for creative thinking; brings awareness of the larger
picture of life and one's place in it.
- Too open: too preoccupied with altruistic values.
- Blocked: self-centered; lack of vision.
7. Divine Level
- Location: seventh eye (straight up from the fifth eye, above the normal hair line about
314 to 1 inch).
- Function: awareness of self on soul level; communication point with higher self.
- Too open: excessively preoccupied with higher vision of the self.
- Blocked: inability to perceive and use spiritual insights; preoccupied with just the
human side of life.

Intuitional/Compassionate Body
This is the vibratory rate where one feels compassion and has understanding of self and
others. It is also a vehicle for the expression of higher forms of love-a gateway to the
Divine serving as a connecting link between the emotional and the divine levels. In this
body, we are above the limits of time and space; there is understanding without the need
to go through a process of reasoning and thinking. This body is the home of intuition.
1. Physical Level
- Location: liver.
- Function: energy for acting on what you spiritually believe is correct for you.
- Too open: unawareness of how your spiritual direction can best work with other people's
spiritual direction; too pushy with your insights.
- Blocked: lily-livered; may feel like a coward in terms of following through on your own
spiritual understanding.
2. Emotional Level
- Four Locations: midpoint on outer edges of thighs and upper arms.
- Function: connection with other people; feeling the flow of energy between you and
- Too open: overly aware of other people's energy and not balancing with your own.
- Blocked: shut off from others.
3. Mental Level
- Location: bottom part of the breastbone above the xiphoid process.
- Function: flowing appropriately in life and relationships.
- Too open: over acceptance.
- Blocked: too attached or rejecting.
4. Intuitional/Compassionate Level
- Location: heart chakra-upper center of chest (this chakra is the same as the seventh
level of the emotional body).
- Function: most important of all chakras for expressing unconditional love, compassion
and understanding.
- Too open: overly concerned with others; lack of balance between self and others.
- Blocked: hard-hearted; conditional love, compassion and understanding.
5. Will/Spirit Level
- Two Locations: both sides of upper nose.
- Function: power chakras, providing courage to combine energy of earth and heaven for
practical use.
- Too open: excessive either with earth or heavenly energies; inability to bring energies
back into the self.
- Blocked: feel powerless or ineffectual in the above areas.
6. Soul Level
- Two Locations: pupils.
- Function: deep expression of the I AMness presence; sometimes called windows to the
- Too open: excessive need to feel profound.
- Blocked: afraid of one's own profoundness; the eyes may look as if there is nobody in
there (may feel this when looking at people).
7. Divine Level
- Location: base of brain, medulla oblongata.
- Function: stimulates divine understanding; bliss awareness of self as one with God;
harmonizes understandings from insights on lower levels and of the divine plan in one's
- Too open: preoccupied with higher levels at the expense of the human level.
- Blocked: preoccupied with the human level and the mundane awareness of life.

Will/Spirit Body
The will/spirit body is the vehicle or vibratory rate through which spirit expresses.
It channels energy which manifests as will and is the highest level a person can reach and
still negate the Divine or Soul levels; this brings a possibility of great negativity or
karma because the energy is so high that it can cause, when misused. much destruction.
This is the area for choice-Divine will or the individual will.
1. Physical Level
- Four Locations: palms of hands and soles of feet.
- Function: feeling energy in relationship to outside world.
- Too open: too involved with others; excessive wishing to share or fix the world.
- Blocked: poor circulation; cold in hands or feet; holding back from sharing with the
2. Emotional Level
- Four Locations: backs of knees and insides of elbows.
- Function: ability to assert oneself on the emotional level and be open to action from
the feeling level.
- Too open: too assertive.
- Blocked: weak knees; lack of emotional support for one's will or desires.
3. Mental Level
- Four Locations: armpits and area where legs connect with the body on the front side.
- Function: mental acceptance of one's will and desires; putting thinking into action.
- Too open: too egotistical.
- Blocked: poor attitude toward self; fear and holding back in areas.
4. Intuitional/Compassionate Level
- Location: one inch below the crotch.
- Function: provides energy for understanding and use of power; companion chakra to the
seventh level chakra of this body.
- Too open: caution should be used with this chakra; the power can be negative when your
body is not developed to handle higher energies.
- Blocked: intensifies negative sexual energies; increases feelings of violence or a need
to explode.
5. Will/Spirit Level
- Location: power sex chakra (two chakras below navel).
- Function: power source for physical energy, sex drive, healing energy, joy of life.
- Too open: excessive or uncontrolled power or sexual energy.
- Blocked: fear of power, lack of joy, negative or perverse sexual energy.
6. Soul Level
- Location: behind crown chakra at top of head.
- Function: aids in reaching nirvana or bliss states; it is the "not my will, but
thine" chakra.
- Too open: spaced out, inability to use higher energies in daily life.
- Blocked: clouds awareness of higher spiritual and mental levels.
7. Divine Level
- Location: four fingers' width above head, smaller than the crown chakra.
- Function: human and spiritual energies blend here, allowing one to enter higher levels
in an active, practical way.
- Too open: spacey or depleting of physical body energy.
- Blocked: brings feelings of isolation, loneliness, lack of connection with soul level,
being down on oneself.

The soul body is the vehicle for the expression of soul energies and the home of the I
AM presence. It provides guidance for the human level.
1. Physical Level
- Four Locations: instep of feet and thumb sides of wrists.
- Function: strengthens ability to bring the I AMness presence into action; gives soul
expression in the physical level.
- Too open: preoccupied with self; a tendency to ignore others.
- Blocked: weak feet and hands; holding back generally from life.
2. Emotional Level
- Four Locations: inside legs just above the knees and inside arms just above the elbows.
- Function: I AMness flowing through feelings.
- Too open: too concerned with the priorities of one's own feelings.
- Blocked: weak-kneed; pulling arms back to the body; holding back from deeper, more
personal emotions.
3. Mental Level
- Four Locations: inside connections of legs with pelvic area and on the body side of the
- Function: I AMness expressed through mental reasoning; a logical or healthy attitude
toward self as a person and unit.
- Too open: preoccupied with expressing self as a person or unit.
- Blocked: poor posture; not feeling justified in life; disconnected between mental and
soul areas.
4. Intuitional/Compassionate Level
- Two Locations: ovaries or testicles.
- Function: development of sexual orientation toward self and the world; healthy polarity
- Too open: feeling that one is God's gift to the opposite sex.
- Blocked: fear of sexuality and not being spiritual; fear of inappropriateness in
male/female relationships.
5. Will/Spirit Level
- Two Locations: about one inch above lower ribs on either side of the chest.
- Function: ability to take and use the breath of life; asserting one's right to be.
- Too open: excessive need for space.
- Blocked: feeling of drowning in other people's energies; lung problems; poor breathing
6. Soul Level
- Two Locations: each side of the neck on the curve from the body into the neck.
- Function: expression of self-respect; feelings of worth; holding the head up.
- Too open: pride.
- Blocked: tension in the neck area; tendency to pull neck and head into the body (turtle
7. Divine Level
- Two Locations: directly above the ears.
- Function: experiencing self as one with God; self experienced as a unit of God's
consciousness; directing one's life through awareness of God consciousness.
- Blocked: headaches; poor perception or insight as to one's destiny energies; a feeling
of 'losing it!'

Divine Body
The Divine body is the seventh and the highest. In this body we relate to the spark of
the divine within us. Through this energy we can deeply feel the presence of God in our
lives and feel oneness with God (you may wish to use the term divine reality, source
whatever describes this energy for you).
1. Physical Level
- Twenty Locations: ends of fingers and toes.
- Function: healing energies and perceptions of energies around you.
- Too open: drains energy.
- Blocked: may turn into anger and a desire to push or kick one's way clear, symbolically
or literally; can affect health of hands and feet.
2. Emotional Level
- Location: devotional chakra, center of back of head.
- Function: expressing devotion toward the divine.
- Too open: may be excessively devoted to your own ego or a cause (fanaticism or
over-zealousness), especially if the crown is also blocked.
- Blocked: lack of feeling, interest or even acknowledgment of a divine level or beings or
one's connection with this area; sometimes cold to others.
3. Mental Level
- Two Locations: just inside the pelvic bones above where the legs join the body.
- Function: expression of thankfulness and faith; opens one to abundance.
- Too open: Pollyanna behavior; greedy.
- Blocked: may limit thankfulness and block the flow of abundance.
4. IntuitionallCompassionate Level
- Location: solar plexus, just below the xiphoid process chakra; relates to the pancreas.
- Function: spiritual energies enter in for distribution to the body; awakens and refines
the system to higher vibrations and sweetness of life; many energies flow through this
chakra for manifestation of circumstances in one's life; relates to one's place in the
- Too open: searching excessively for sweetness of life; overly concemed about one's place
in life.
- Blocked: closed to spiritual energies, sweetness and joy of fife; fear of change and
opening up to greater things in life.
5. Will/Spirit Level
- Location: in hollow at base of throat (bones form a horseshoe shape).
- Function: desire or will to serve in the world.
- Too open. excessive commitment to others at the expense of one's own destiny-energy;
feelings of saving the world.
- Blocked: fear of giving to or serving others; martyr feelings.
6. Soul Level
- Two Locations: 1, to I + inches on either side of the navel (depending upon body size).
- Function: unification of the energies of the body with divine ener
- gies or with others.
- Too open: excessive search for oneness.
- Blocked: can be destructive to self or others.
7. Divine Level
- Location: crown chakra, center of top of head.
- Function: connection with higher spiritual levels; balance in everyday life.
- Too open: spacy; unable to function in daily life; may feel drained or weak.
- Blocked: negativity; down on oneself; lack of connection with divine levels; unbalanced;
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