Nothing unnatural, but something unique

Fri, 3 March 1988 00:00:00 GMT
Book Title:
Om Shantih Shantih Shantih
Chapter #:
pm in Gautam the Buddha Auditorium
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Question 1:




Samudra, it is one of the crimes against humanity to be a missionary. A missionary is a hypocrite.

I don't want you to be a missionary; I want you to be a mission - and there is a great difference between the two.

The missionary is simply trying to convert the mind of the other person into a certain doctrine, religion. But a man who is simply sharing his heart and his being with no desire to convert is not a missionary, he is a mission. He is a living flame which can put the whole community in which you live afire. And particularly simple people like the Eskimos don't need to be converted, they need to be loved. They need more light to be brought into their lives, more understanding. And strangely, when you go to the simple people like Eskimos, you are not only sharing yourself, you are also learning much from them - much that humanity has forgotten.

The ancient people who are still ancient, who have not entered the contemporary world, have much to give you. But the missionary is not there to learn anything, only to teach. Learning is insulting to him; he is a man of knowledge. He knows more than the Eskimos - but there are dimensions which the poor and simple and the primitive people know, of which you have become completely unaware.

There are communities in the world still....

One community deep in the Himalayan part of Burma has never known any war in its whole history.

It is impossible for them to fight, but they are primitive; they are not civilized people. If Sigmund Freud had gone to that small community he would have been shocked to know that nobody dreams.

Because nobody is repressed, there is nothing to dream.

First you have to repress things which are important and natural; you have to be against the natural and the instinctive, then only can you create dreams. That which has not been lived in your waking hours you will have to live in your sleeping time. But if you are living totally, without repressing anything, then certainly you will not have any dreams. Your sleep will be a tremendous silence.

Missionaries have reached there too. They could not believe that those people don't dream:

"Perhaps they are lying or perhaps their dreams are so deep that they forget completely when they wake up in the morning." But deep research has shown - and there are very simple methods to know whether a person is dreaming or not - that those people have not dreamed.

Once in a while somebody has dreamed. They have a strange ritual. When somebody dreams he goes to his elders and tells them his dream. Sigmund Freud and Adler and Jung should forget that they are the founders of psychoanalysis. These people have practiced psychoanalysis for thousands of years not knowing that it is psychoanalysis - and it is not done by one person, but by all the elders of the commune.

The person relates his dream - the elders discuss the meaning of the dream. They are simple people; their dreams are simple. If somebody has dreamed that he has beaten a young man of the community in his dream, the elders decide, "You should go to the young man with sweets and flowers to ask his forgiveness, because you have beaten him in the dream."

You will laugh at the whole thing, because what happened in the dream has nothing to do with the young man. But those people are right. They may look illogical, but they are certainly right: you beat somebody in your dream only because you are carrying some unexpressed anger. And whether that anger becomes action in reality or in dream does not matter; for your anger you have to ask forgiveness.

And for thousands of years they have been doing this kind of psychoanalysis and it has helped the commune tremendously. When you go to someone to ask for forgiveness with flowers, with sweets - they are poor people - and the man says, "There is no need, because it was only a dream. You have not beaten me..."

But the other man will say, "It does not matter whether I have beaten you or not, but the desire to beat you must have been in me and it is enough for me to come to you for forgiveness."

Naturally these people have never fought. Our world needs continuous war because people are so full of anger and rage - and they cannot find any way to express it.

It has been observed that in wartime people look very happy... strange. People are being killed, thousands of people are being massacred, but there is certainly a very alive breeze. People look less dusty, less dead. If it were possible, even from their graves they would get up and ask for the morning newspaper - so much excitement...! Otherwise, life becomes dull.

Those people in Burma have lived without fighting, but that does not mean there is not excitement.

There is excitement of a totally different quality: they dance, they love; their dances are beautiful.

In fullmoon nights the whole commune gathers together and dances almost the whole night. Their songs have become more and more refined by each generation. Their music has become more and more spiritual. There is excitement but that excitement is of love, of poetry, of sculpture, of dance, of music; it is not of war.

Certainly the people who feel excitement in war are not civilized. These people may be uneducated and they may not know the geography of the world and the history of the world, but in every sense they are far more civilized than the so-called civilized people.

When you go to the Eskimos - I don't know what kind of work you are doing there - I hope that you are not doing some kind of missionary work, because that is a crime. Those people are simple and they are living their life beautifully. Don't unnecessarily drag them into Christianity, into the Catholic church.... Don't force things on them: celibacy and life-negative attitudes; they will destroy them.

Just today there was a news item from America. A survey has been made by psychoanalysts, and it has been found that two-thirds of patients like to talk to computers about their problems, their dreams. Only one-third of the people want to talk to human beings - the machine is preferred to man. It was shocking, but it reveals a truth, that it is very difficult to find a man who is non-judgmental.

The machine is at least non-judgmental. Whatsoever you say it will listen, it will record; it will not condemn you even by its gesture. But to talk to a man about anything, it is impossible not to come across his prejudices.

Everybody has a judgment, and when people have judgments they lose their innocence. Everybody, in the name of education and civilization has lost his childhood. Those Eskimos are still living in man's past ages, in mankind's childhood. If you can learn something from their innocence, learn.

And if you can share something from your meditation and from your love, share.

Don't take your BIBLES to them; take your guitars. Don't take your principles and theologies; take your dances. And don't only be a teacher, but also be a learner. Don't think yourself superior to those poor primitive people.

If you can do this much - not to feel superior, then you can only learn something from them. And there is so much to learn from every direction if you are available - particularly from very primitive people because they are still uncorrupted by the priests, by the politicians. They are as simple as animals, as birds.

You are going into a beautiful situation, but remember not to become a missionary.

Share me but don't convert.

Transpire but don't convert.

Let them become acquainted with the laughter that is happening here, with the silence, with the meditation. But remember that it is not a religion and we are not here to destroy somebody's dignity and to make him part of a cult. You will have to be very aware, because old habits die hard.

Our education, our society, our civilization ... everything has penetrated deep in our minds knowingly or unknowingly. Whenever you come across somebody innocent, childlike, you immediately jump and try to convert him in the name of giving him maturity - and there are thousands of beautiful names. But in fact what you are trying to do is destroying the person, his individuality, and imposing your own personality on him. It is an ego trip. So unless you are alert and aware of your own mind, it is very difficult not to be a missionary.

Ronald Reagan is visiting India and is met at the airport by Rajiv Gandhi. As they are driving away in Rajiv's limousine, Reagan notices a lot of people shitting by the side of the road. He is disgusted and asks Rajiv if this is common practice in India. Rajiv is very embarrassed and replies that he is trying to educate the people to use a proper toilet, but it will take time for the program to be one hundred percent effective.

On a return visit, Reagan and Gandhi are driving through Washington to the White House when Rajiv notices a man shitting in the street. He points this out with some satisfaction to Reagan. The president is furious and orders his secret service agents to arrest the man. A few minutes later the agent returns.

"Well," snaps Ronald Reagan, "did you arrest him?"

"No, sir," replies the agent, "we could not."

"Why the hell not?" bellows Reagan.

"Well," says the agent, "it was the Indian ambassador."

Question 2:



Virag, it is always the master who comes, but it is not necessarily so that he will find the disciple's heart open. Most often it is closed. So your question is really not a question but two sides of the same coin.

The master comes but the disciple has to be ready to receive, the disciple has to be open. If you are hoping that whether you are open or not the master will come suddenly, somehow, you are hoping in vain. Even if he comes he will have to return. You will not give way; you will shut your door and lock it from inside.

People are very much afraid of opening their hearts. The fear has reasons rooted in our upbringing, because whenever we have opened our hearts, we have been punished or we have been exploited or we have been deceived. Naturally, we have learned to be on the defensive, to keep the heart closed so nobody can deceive us, nobody can come close to us. It is a defense measure. And in a society where everybody is competitive, it is natural to defend yourself, otherwise you will be exploited. Somebody is going to step on you and go beyond you, use you, misuse you in all possible ways.

There is a place in India - one of the biggest junctions. I was waiting in my compartment: the train would leave in one hour; it was waiting for some other trains to come....

A man, a beggar, came to me. Seeing me alone he said, "My father has died. I need some help."

I gave him one rupee and I told him, "If somebody else dies, you can come back. At least for one hour I am here."

He looked at me very much surprised, but he could not resist either. After ten minutes he came:

"You were right. My mother died."

I said, "I knew. I knew somebody else would die. In these sixty minutes, almost your whole family is going to die!"

He said, "Why are you saying it like that?"

I said, "I had nothing to do... What is going to happen is going to happen; I am going to lose at least ten rupees" - I gave him another rupee.

He looked again and again at me thinking, "What kind of man is this...?"

I said, "Listen. Rather than coming again and again, you take all these ten rupees. Let them all be dead!"

He said, "It is not right to say that."

I said, "But you will have to come."

He said, "That's true. I cannot resist. But you are a strange man. My whole life I have been a beggar.

Not my whole life, but as long as I remember, for generations I have been a beggar. My father was a beggar, my grandfather was a great beggar - it is just hereditary - but we have never met such a man; you are unbelievable!

"In the first place, people don't give anything. They simply say, 'Go away! Ask somebody else. We have nothing to do with your father. If he has died, he has died. Why should we be bothered?' And you are killing my whole family, and you are giving me the rupee in advance!"

I said, "You go and look at your family. If somebody is still alive, come back, because all are going to die. Sometimes a few people die - one time, two times, three times... People are unbelievable; for example, by the time you are back here your father may have become alive again."

He said, "Are you mad? My father alive? He is dead."

I said, "He will become alive. All will become alive. You just go home."

He said, "If you say, I will go and see."

I said, "You see and come back, because they will die any moment - if not today then tomorrow - and I will not be here."

After a few minutes he came with those ten rupees and he said, "You take these back."

I said, "Why? Have they all become alive?"

He said, "Don't humiliate me! They have always been alive. Nobody has died. As far as begging is concerned, every day I have to say that somebody has died. But for the first time the whole family has died - and in advance! No, I cannot deceive you. You are a very simple person."

I said, "I am not a simple person. I am just enjoying. Ten rupees are not much of a problem... to kill your whole family. If you have some relatives...."

He said, "You want to kill my relatives too?"

I said, "Anybody! Relatives, neighbors - I will give you in advance if they are not dead. Just go and have a look."

He said, "You are mad and I cannot cheat a mad person. I am not that bad. I cheat cunning people but not a man like you. You are too ready to be cheated."

I said, "If you want I can come with you to count how many have died, because you may not be able to count that many. How many can you count? How well are you educated?"

He said, "That is true: I can't count much."

I said, "I can come with you. This train cannot leave without me. The driver is my friend; I will tell him, 'Wait. Let me first go to this man's house and see how many people have died and how many are going to die.' And in fact, in this world, whoever is born is going to die, so why not take the advance?"

He sat on the floor in the compartment with tears. He said, "I have never returned money to anybody; ten rupees I am returning. And you are ready to come with me to count whether they are dead or alive! And you are ready to give an advance for those who are alive because they will die...!"

I said, "One thing is certain; don't take ten if you are feeling hurt. Take at least one - for you!"

He said, "But I am alive."

I said, "You are alive; everybody is alive - but you will die! And at that time it will be difficult for me to find out who you are, where you live, why you lived and why you have died - too many troublesome problems. You just take one rupee and leave me."

He said, "No, I cannot take anything from you. The train is full of people. I will manage from all those cheats. They are cheating others so there is no problem in cheating them. But to cheat you, it hurts, although I am a beggar. Even though I am a beggar, I have a certain sense of humanity."

I said, "It is up to you, but for one hour I am here. If somebody really dies you can come without any fear. These ten rupees are yours, deposited with me. With interest I will return them - but within one hour. After that I will be gone. But I often come on this route, and I am easily recognizable."

He said, "That's right, because neither can I forget you, nor can I forgive you!"

I said, "Why can you not forgive me?"

He said, "You tricked me. You have taken your ten rupees back!"

This whole world is full of people...

I have a friend....

He was a professor, but he never liked any kind of service because he could never manage to wake up early to get ready to reach to the class in time - and every day it was a problem. The principal would call and the vice-chancellor would call, and finally he resigned.

He said, "This is all nonsense. I can manage without it."

I said, "How are you going to manage?" - he used to live with me.

He said, "First, I will live with YOU!"

I said, "This is great! And when you become bored, tired, because I don't want to give more money to you?"

He said, "I will move. I have many friends all over the country." And it is true. He had many friends.

He had qualities to create friends: he was a very good chess player, a very good conversationalist, very good in many games, very handsome. Falling in love, falling out of love was very easy for him.

I said, "But how long?"

He said, "How long? I don't think I am going to live more than seventy years. For seventy years this whole world is available!"

Fifteen years after he left me, he met me in New Delhi. I said, "How are things going?"

He said, "Perfectly well."

He was continually borrowing money. And I said to him, "It is strange that you go on borrowing money. What about returning it?"

And he said, "Everybody knows that I never return it and there are other people from whom I borrow.

I never borrow from the same person again. I use that money to create the atmosphere to borrow more money from somebody else!"

Just before I went to America, he came to see me. He was perfectly happy. He said, "In this world where everybody is deceiving everybody else, not to deceive is to be stupid. Just don't deceive the same person again, because that is not right. When there are other new pastures available, why go on harassing one person? I never harass, that's why people give me money because they know:

once they have given me money they are free from harassment!"

In this world it is natural to be closefisted and closedhearted, continuously afraid that somebody is going to cheat you. All kinds of frauds are all around, but one thing has to be understood: if you can trust - even in this world where deceit is the law - your trust will open the doors of the mysteries of existence.

Just a few days ago I talked about the French healer who has come here. Now he is a sannyasin - certainly a man of great understanding. I had criticized all kinds of channeling, healing... as frauds.

They are parasites, but this is true about only ninety-nine percent. There is one percent which is certainly capable of all these things that I condemned - but it is very difficult to find that one percent.

The day I said this, poor Kaveesha's channeling had to stop, because people said, "My God, we have been cheated! This Avirbhava as high priestess and Kaveesha, the channel... these people were cheating us!"

They were not cheating you.

They are simple people, very simple.

You know Avirbhava; every day she screams - not that I am going to hit her or anything. I do nothing to her; I just make the gesture - that's enough. Rather than giving me trouble, she herself shrieks! She knows that if she is not going to shriek I am going to do something! But she is simple....

Kaveesha is innocent. They were not representing anybody; they are simply in tune with me.

When you were asking your questions to Kaveesha she was simply reflecting me, not some dead master. And whenever she found that nothing was coming through, she was simple enough to accept that nothing was coming, no answer was coming - or she would ask me the next day, "Somebody asked this question. I waited for your answer, but nothing came so this is their question..."

But people are idiots! Just one day before I criticized the healer, they were crowding the class and were feeling so happy with Kaveesha. And because I criticized, they started criticizing - just parrotlike, without ever trying to make distinctions. But the man whom I had criticized did not take it badly as a personal criticism. He understood it perfectly that for ninety-nine percent of the people who are doing it, what I am saying is true.

I am not against healing, but if I appreciate healing then those ninety-nine percent of the people are also appreciated. So my difficulty is in not sacrificing you to the ninety-nine cheats and frauds, because the one percent will understand perfectly that he has not been criticized, because he has not been cheating. And rather than being against me or going against me, he remained - and he wants to remain here.

Even after my criticism he became a sannyasin. That shows the authenticity of a person. He may have a healing power which very rarely healers have. It is nothing unnatural, but something unique. A person's aura, the energy that surrounds his body - if it can surround you, it can heal you without the healer making any effort. I am going to make arrangements for him to have his healing department.

Don't desert poor Kaveesha - she is a rare woman! It is almost impossible for her to cheat you or to deceive you - there is no reason. She knows how to love, and love can heal you. And love can answer your questions, because love in a certain way, joins the person with the universal sources of energy. And if you are with a master, certainly you are immediately in tune with the master. It is possible to have your heart dance in tune with the master.

When I am speaking I am nowhere. I am simply allowing existence to speak. And those who love me, if their love becomes so overwhelming that all defense systems are broken, then what I am saying will be said by them too.

Every sannyasin finally has to become a master. Never before has it been tried. Masters have been very afraid of disciples who can become masters. Those were not real masters. A real master finally transforms all his disciples into masters.

The day you all will be in tune with existence in the same way I am in tune, that will be my day of rejoicing.

Use Kaveesha's energy - it is not anything to do with all kinds of frauds who go on moving around the world. No fraud can stay here! Just a single criticism and he will be lost. And this new sannyasin - use his healing energy.

This commune should be aware and alert and loving and open, then you can see with clarity whether the other is real or false. Just by intellect you cannot decide it; only intuition, only your heart can feel the authentic, the real and the false.

Virag, the master comes - somewhere, suddenly, sure - but you have to be ready, otherwise his coming will be useless.

This is the world in which you live....

Herbie, the Texan cowboy, is visiting New York for the first time and decides to go to a high-class whorehouse. He pays the fee and is confronted by two doors: one marked Blonde, the other Brunette. He chooses the Blonde, goes through the door and finds two more doors. One says, Big Tits; the other, Little Tits. He chooses Big Tits, goes through and finds two more doors. One says, Fancy Fuck; the other says, Real Screw. He chooses Real Screw, goes through the door and finds himself back on Forty-Second Street.

Mendel Kravitz, the wealthy American businessman, sends his daughter, Kathy, to Europe to get some culture and maybe meet a rich husband. A few months later she writes and asks her father to send her a book on etiquette. She must be meeting all the right people, says Mendel to himself.

After a few more months she asks Mendel for another book on etiquette.

There is no doubt, thinks Mendel, she is meeting royalty - perhaps Prince Edward. Then two years later, Kathy comes home. Mendel Kravitz meets her at the airport and he is shocked when she arrives carrying a small baby.

"Whose baby?" he asks.

"Mine," replies Kathy.

"And the father?" asks Mendel.

Kathy shakes her head, "I don't know, Papa," she sobs.

"What?" cries Mendel. "Two books on etiquette I send you and you don't even know to ask, 'With whom have I the pleasure?'"

Okay, Maneesha?

Yes, Beloved Master.

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From Jewish "scriptures".

Baba Kamma 37b. The gentiles are outside the protection of the
law and God has "exposed their money to Israel."

[Zionism, chabad, Nazi, ZioNazi, Judeo-Nazi, racism, fascism,
Illuminati, Freemason, NWO]