Zarathustra was a contemporary of Heraclitus and Gautam Buddha. It is a strange coincidence that all these three great teachers have basically given a single approach to life: life is a flux, everything is constantly changing, and that which does not change is dead. Change is the very spirit of life; permanency is part of death.
It was against all the old traditions and against all other traditions which were going to be born after Zarathustra. They were all believers in permanence. To them, change was a quality of dreams, and permanence was the quality of reality - that which changes is unreal and that which remains always the same is real. Against these three teachers all the teachers of the world, religious or philosophical, are agreed upon this point.
But I'm in favour of Zarathustra and Gautam Buddha and Heraclitus - because the whole scientific research of three hundred years has proved them true, not the whole crowd of all the philosophers and all the saints and all the theologians of the world.
Zarathustra is approved by science - so is Gautam Buddha, so is Heraclitus. Of course, in their own day they were laughed at. They were saying something against the mob, against the whole long past, against all the thinkers and against a certain desire in man's psychology: man wants things to be permanent. And this point has to be remembered. Man is afraid of change. He is afraid of change because nobody knows what the change will bring.
You are acquainted with that which is permanent; you know how to deal with it. You have learned everything about it. You feel at ease with it; it is no longer strange, unfamiliar.
But if life is going to be a constant flux, a moment-to-moment change, that means you are always going to encounter the unknown. That creates a deep fear, because you will not be ready to face it beforehand. You will have to respond spontaneously. This is the problem.
Spontaneousness needs alertness, needs a certain depth of consciousness - because if every moment life is changing, then every moment you have to be ready to respond to the unknown, to the unfamiliar, to the strange. You cannot be prepared for it because you don't know what is going to happen tomorrow. You cannot have a rehearsal; it is not a drama.
These three thinkers were of immense charismatic influence, so while they were alive they made a great impact on the intelligentsia. But once Buddha was dead, Buddhism disappeared from India completely, absolutely. Indians go on bragging that their country is the land of Gautam Buddha. But nobody pays attention to the fact that the moment Buddha was gone, all his influence disappeared.
The old values were back.
Buddha has given the idea of changing life; he has given the idea of being spontaneous, and he has given the idea of being constantly alert - because you never know what you are going to face. He turned the whole table of values. But once he was gone, all his influence disappeared. The whole East is Buddhist except India, which is Buddha's birthland.
Heraclitus is mentioned in the history of philosophy but is not given the importance that he deserves, because in the West he is the only one who is now supported by all scientific research. Neither Plato, nor Aristotle, nor Descartes, nor Kant, nor Hegel - nobody is supported by modern science.
A very unfamiliar name, Heraclitus... in his own day nobody listened to him. Zarathustra was not listened to at all. It is strange that whenever truth has been spoken nobody has agreed with it.
Lies are very sweet. Lies are very suitable and very comfortable. Truth is uncompromising. You will have to change according to the truth; truth is not going to change according to your convenience.
Lies behave in a different way: they are ready to change according to your convenience. That's why lies have dominated humanity and truth has been crucified.
Lies have been crowned and truth has been sentenced to death.
The situation has not changed even a little bit; it is still the same. Say the truth and you make everybody annoyed with you. Say the truth and you irritate all those people who were very comfortable in their lies. You have disturbed their peace, you have disturbed their sleep, you have disturbed their sweet dreams.
Even after twenty-five centuries man seems to be in the same childish state - no maturity has come.
Man has not come of age yet.
Zarathustra's insight has to be understood, because that is going to be the future religion of man.
Science is going to be more and more rooted in man's consciousness. Up to now we have been able only to use science in discovering the objective world. The day is not very far away when science will start moving and exploring the subjectivity of man - his inner world.
How long can you avoid yourself?
How long can the scientists go on working upon things and forgetting about consciousness? How long can the scientist deny himself, and go on working in the fields of chemistry and physics and biology and geology? Sooner or later he has to think about it. "Who is this consciousness within me? Who am I?", he is going to ask. It is already late; he should have asked it by now.
And the greatest of the scientists have started feeling uneasy about the fact that they are devoting so much energy to exploring objects, and they are not giving even a small portion of their genius and talents to their own being.
Albert Einstein was dying, and before his death somebody asked him, "If you are born again, I'm certain you would like to be a physicist again, because nobody else has been so involved in the exploration of matter, and nobody else has contributed so much insight into matter." It seems logical that if another life is given to him he would like to be a physicist again, because so much is still left unexplored.
But Einstein said, "Forgive me. Forgive me because I will not be agreeing with your assumption. If another life is given to me I would rather be a plumber than a physicist - because I want time to explore myself. I have wasted one life, and what is the result? - Hiroshima and Nagasaki. I staked my whole life on finding atomic energy, which is the foundation of all matter, and I feel guilty about Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Millions of people died because of me. And I could have discovered, with the same energy, my own being, and perhaps helped millions of people to blossom, to come to maturity, to make their insight a beautiful experience - perhaps the ultimate experience of truth."
Zarathustra's insights are so great that it seems almost unbelievable that a man twenty-five centuries ago was able to see what the scientists are now realizing: nothing is, even for a single moment, stable. Even the wall that you are seeing behind me - it looks so solid, so unchanging - is constantly changing. Why does it look so solid? It is a very strange reason: it looks so solid because the atoms are moving with such speed that you cannot see their speed.
Just think of an electric fan. The faster it moves, the less you can see the three wings of the fan separately. If it moves really fast you will see a round plate moving, not the gaps between the three wings of the fan. But you cannot conceive the fastness of the electrons that are moving in the wall.
Their speed is almost inconceivable. It is the same as the speed of light - because light consists purely of electrons.
The electron is moving on its center with a speed of 186 miles per second. And it is so small that we cannot see it by our own eyes. In fact, even with scientific instruments, nobody has yet seen the electron. It is only an assumption. It has to be there; otherwise the wall would disappear. The wall looks solid because each particle in it is moving so fast that you cannot see the movement.
Everything in the world is just a flux; nothing is permanent. And why are Zarathustra or Gautam Buddha or Heraclitus insisting on this fact? - because it will affect our whole approach towards morality, towards religion, towards our relationships, towards our life.
The implications are going to be far, far reaching.
If everything is changing then there cannot be any idea of good and evil as permanent, then there can be no God as permanent, then no value can be imposed on people forever, for all ages to come.
Then we have to live in freedom and allow people to respond spontaneously to situations, because you cannot carry fixed ideologies.
Fixed ideologies will be lagging far behind, and you will be always a misfit with existence. All your scriptures become meaningless, because they don't change. All your philosophies become useless, because life goes on changing.
Anything that remains unchanging loses all significance - it is of no use to life, it has to be removed from the path. Then only one thing emerges, and that is awareness. You have to be very aware of all the changes that are going on around you, so that you don't lag behind. With your awareness, with every change, you change also. You don't act out of fixed ideals; you act out of your awareness of the moment.
This means that there is no reason for any religion to exist. This means that there is no validity for any morality to exist. This means that there is only one thing which is significant, and that is: how to be more conscious, so that you need not fall out of tune with life, so that your heartbeat remains harmonious with the heartbeat of the universe. This is the only religion - your heartbeat in accord with the heartbeat of the universe. This is the only spirituality.
And this will bring you, every day, new insights, fresh values. It will keep you always sensitive, to your very last breath. You will remain young. Your body may become old, but your consciousness will be refreshing itself every moment - just as the river goes on moving, flowing and refreshing itself; it never becomes dirty.
Zarathustra says, WHEN WATER IS PLANKED OVER SO THAT IT CAN BE WALKED UPON, WHEN GANGWAY AND RAILINGS SPAN THE STREAM: TRULY, HE IS NOT BELIEVED WHO SAYS: 'EVERYTHING IS IN FLUX.' When there is a bridge over the river naturally, if somebody says, "Everything is in flux", people will say, "We can conceive that the river is in flux, but what about the bridge? Everything is not in flux."
It actually happened, in the life of a great mystic, Bodhidharma, because he was a lover of Gautam Buddha and a seer of the same status. He was passing over a bridge, and one of his followers said, "You often repeat the statement of Gautam Buddha that everything is in flux, but what about the bridge?"
Bodhidharma said, "The bridge is also as much in change as the river, just the change is faster.
Your eyes cannot catch it. You know perfectly well, one day this bridge will become old. If it was not changing it could not become old. You know perfectly well, one day this bridge will fall down, will have to be replaced by another bridge. If it was not changing there would be no question of its falling down, of its becoming old, tattered. It is changing. The river is changing very slowly - that's why you can see it. The bridge is changing so fast that it needs a great clarity of vision even to conceive it.
You ordinarily don't see it."
Do you remember when you were a child, on what date, in what year you became young? You are changing every moment, and change is so continuous that you cannot make demarcations: on a certain date you became young, and on a certain date you became middle-aged, and on a certain date you became old, and on a certain date you died. But certainly you are changing.
One day you were so small that you would not have been visible to the eyes. You were just a sperm in the cell of your mother's egg. Both were so small - almost invisible to the bare eyes. That was your first picture. If you are really making an album of your life, you should start from there. Nobody will be able to recognize that this is you; it will look just like a full stop.
Then you started growing, and in nine months' time, in your mother's womb, you passed through all the stages that humanity has passed through. The change was fast. From the fish, where life began, to Charles Darwin's chimpanzee - all the stages the child has to pass through in the mother's womb.
Even if a picture of the first day of your life is presented to you, I don't think you will recognize that "This is me."
You are also a river; everything is a river. And Heraclitus is right when he says, "You cannot step in the same river twice," because the river is changing; it is never the same, so how you can step in it twice? When you step the second time it is different water. That other water may have reached to the ocean, may have moved miles away, but certainly this is not the water in which you had stepped for the first time.
I agree so much with Heraclitus that I want to say to you that you cannot step in the same river even once! - because when your feet touch the surface, the water underneath is flowing. When your feet move a few inches deep into the water, on the surface the water is flowing. While your feet are moving towards the bed, the water has been flowing - it is not the same water that you had touched with your feet. Twice is too much; even once is not possible.
ON THE CONTRARY, EVEN SIMPLETONS CONTRADICT HIM. If somebody says, "Everything is in flux," standing by the side of a river, even simpletons, even idiots will contradict him.
They will say, "Yes, we can see that the river is changing, but what about the bridge, what about the mountain?" But the mountain is also changing.
The scientists working on Everest have found that it is still growing. It is still growing higher by one foot every year. It is the highest mountain in the world, but it is very young. Its growth has not stopped yet; it is not yet adult. It cannot vote!
There are old mountains, very old. I used to live in a place for many years, from where one of the oldest mountains in the world, Vindhyachal, is very close by - just thirteen miles. I used to go to the mountain often. It is the most ancient mountain. It came out of the ocean first; then other parts of the world started coming out of the ocean. On Vindhyachal, still, you can find dead bodies, skeletons of sea animals - such sea animals which no longer exist, even in the seas. They used to exist over one hundred million years ago. The age of our planet is only four billion years. Vindhya must have come, some few millions of years ago, out of the ocean. It is the oldest mountain.
The Himalayas are so young, because the oldest scripture in India is the RIGVEDA, and it does not mention the Himalayas - which is very strange, because it was written so close to the Himalayas. It mentions everything; and how can you forget the great Himalayas, their eternal snow? But perhaps when the RIGVEDA was written, the Himalayas were still under the ocean; they had not started coming up.
Everything is in a flux, but even the simpletons contradict him: 'WHAT?' SAY THE SIMPLETONS, 'EVERYTHING IN FLUX? BUT THERE ARE PLANKS AND RAILINGS OVER THE STREAM!
That's what the priests say, the philosophers say: the moralities, the religions, our concepts of good and evil are not like the river, but they are like the bridge, fixed. They are like the mountains - eternally there, not flowing like a river.
But they do not know that mountains are also flowing. Every day hundreds of stars die and hundreds of new stars are born. This planet was not here four billion years ago, and in the eternity of time, four billion years mean nothing. And the scientists who are working on our sun are very much concerned, because its fuel is being spent every day that it is radiating light. It can last, at the most, a few million years more. And after a few million years, suddenly the sun will go dark; it will die. Where even suns die and suns are born, what can be stable? What are you saying about bridges? What you are saying about values of good and evil? Nothing is firmly fixed.
It will be good just to look at how our concepts of morality have had to change. In ancient India, one of the most respected and honorable Hindu characters was Yudhisthir. He was called, "the king of religion." But he used to play gambling. He gambled his kingdom. Not only that, he gambled everything that he had. Finally he staked his wife and lost his wife also in gambling. And yet he is thought to be the king of religion - a man of great morality.
Would you call such a man moral today, who gambles his wife? Is the wife a possession? Is the wife a property? In the first place gambling does not seem to be a very moral thing. In the second place, using your wife as the stake is so disrespectful of womankind that certainly this man cannot be said, today, to be even human. He was a brute, behaving in such a primitive way. But the Hindu scriptures still go on calling him dharmaraj, the king of religion.
In the ancient Hindu scriptures God was presented with animal sacrifices. And you will be surprised, Hindus make so much fuss about the cow, but they used to slaughter cows as a sacrifice before God.
And not only cows and other animals - even man was not spared. Human sacrifice was prevalent, and was thought to be a religious ritual. Can you think of sacrificing a living human being, cutting his head off, distributing his blood and his flesh as prasad, as presents for God? But still those scriptures are worshiped even today. And nobody objects: "These scriptures should be put in the museums, just as historical documents. But they cannot be considered religious anymore."
Man's consciousness has become a little more refined.
Just today Anando has brought some information about a temple in Rajasthan. It is a temple of the mother-goddess, Durga. It is a strange temple - perhaps there is no other temple like it anywhere in the world. It has thousands of rats. And millions of people come to the temple all the year round to feed those rats, because they are thought to be divine beings in the form of rats. They have a small pond inside the temple where the rats drink water, and the same water is distributed as prasad to the people who come to the temple. And it is thought that those who drink that water always remain healthy; it cures all kinds of diseases. That is the prevalent superstition.
Those rats are not to be killed. Even to call them rats is against the people who worship the temple. They are not rats; they are only pretending to be rats. They are divine beings, great saints, worshipers of the mother-goddess Durga, and just to be close to the mother they have taken the form of rats.
In the twentieth century, can you support such superstitions? And even intelligent people go there.
Educated people go there, because that water has a curative power. That water must be the dirtiest water in the world - because what else those rats must be doing with that water you can imagine.
And the whole temple is full of rats.
Man is not so intelligent as we would like him to be.
In Calcutta I have been to the great temple of mother Kali. There, even today, every day, goats are killed as sacrifice to the mother-goddess. She is blood-thirsty.
You may have seen the picture of the mother-goddess. It is worth seeing, because if that's how the mother of the world is, then perhaps Adolf Hitler and Ronald Reagan are her only begotten sons!
She is sitting on a lion. In one of her hands she has a freshly cut human head - blood is dripping from it. In another hand she has a sword covered with blood. She has a garland around her neck of human skulls. This is the mother of the world!
Every day she needs blood. And in one of the most cultured cities of India, Calcutta, she is worshiped. Nobody objects to it: "This is ugly. This is inhuman. The very idea is not of a compassionate, loving mother. Even human mothers are not so dangerous; and this is a divine mother."
But perhaps what Zarathustra is saying is the reason. Something may have been, at some time, in some context, significant. Or perhaps it may have never been of any significance but only a fiction, an invention of the priests. And when everything is changing, all these mother-goddesses, all these gods should be told, "Goodbye, your time is over. Now leave us alone!" The day man says to the past, "Goodbye, leave us alone, leave us to be in the present. Leave us totally free and responsible for our actions, and conscious to move with time, to move with all the changes, to move with the river of life...."
'YOU SHALL NOT STEAL! YOU SHALL NOT KILL!' - SUCH WORDS WERE ONCE CALLED HOLY; IN THEIR PRESENCE PEOPLE BOWED THEIR KNEES AND THEIR HEADS AND REMOVED THEIR SHOES. In almost all the scriptures of the world, of all the religions, you will find something like that: "You shall not steal. You shall not kill."
But religions have been killing - killing each other. Christians have been killing Jews, Mohammedans have been killing Christians, Mohammedans have been killing Hindus, Hindus have been killing Mohammedans. Their scriptures go on saying this, and they still go on holding those scriptures as holy, and they go on doing just the opposite.
The Christian Bible says, "God is love." But Christians have killed more people in the world than any other religion. In the name of God, who is love, they have burned thousands of women alive - in the name of God who is love. We must be blind; otherwise how can all this continue? It is still continuing.
People steal with sophistication. People kill in beautiful names. Adolf Hitler killed six million Jews, and convinced one of the most intelligent countries in the world.... Historians will not be able to believe that the country that gave birth to Immanuel Kant and Hegel and Feuerbach and Karl Marx and Sigmund Freud and Albert Einstein, was convinced by a retarded crackpot, Adolf Hitler, that, "Our fall, Germany's fall, and our defeat in the first world war was because of the Jews." There is no connection at all. It would have been just as logical if he had said, "The fall of Germany, the defeat of Germany, is because of the bicycles - destroy all bicycles!" That would have been as relevant as destroying the Jews. And he convinced the people of one of the most intelligent countries.
It seems our intelligence is not enough to protect us from idiots, from fanatics, from all kinds of mad people. Anything is enough, and we are ready to kill each other - just a good name, beautiful name.
Now Russia is preparing to destroy the whole world in the name of communism. And one wonders whether these people ever think or not: if there are no human beings left in the world, what will you do with communism? Who will be benefited by it? Dead bodies?
Of course, dead bodies are all equal; they are all communists. The dead body may have been of the richest man or of a beggar - it makes no difference, a corpse is a corpse. Death is a great equalizer.
Perhaps Russia is trying to make this planet a communist planet - a big graveyard.
And America is preparing... in the name of democracy, in the name of freedom of expression - beautiful names to befool people, to deceive people. And they go on piling up nuclear weapons and nobody asks them, "All these weapons that you have accumulated can destroy this earth at least seven times. Who is going to be benefited by democracy?"
And I don't think corpses need any freedom of speech. They don't have anything to say in the first place. But neither Americans nor Russians are going to listen to reason. And if you try, then you are putting yourself in danger.
I was arrested in America for no reason at all - without any arrest warrant, because they could not issue an arrest warrant without any reason. They could not show me, even verbally, what the reason was, why they arrested me. All that they could show me were twelve loaded guns. That was their argument - very primitive, and very inhuman. I asked them, "I would like to contact my attorney, because this is strange. It is against the constitution, your constitution. You cannot arrest me without any arrest warrant. And I want my attorney to come and enquire about it."
They would not allow me to inform my attorney. On the contrary, they said, "Your attorney will find out himself."
I said, "How will he find out? Have you informed him? Do you know who my attorney is?"
But they said, "We don't know anything. From the top, from Washington these are the orders."
And they forced me to accept that I have committed two crimes. I have never thought that governments blackmail innocent individuals.
But they blackmail in such a way... they could not say it directly to me, but to my attorneys. The government attorneys said, "If you want Osho's life to be saved you simply accept any two crimes.
This is the whole list." They had thirty-five crimes that I have committed.
I don't leave my room; for three and a half years I was in silence, but they managed to write a list of thirty-five crimes that I have committed.
And they said to my attorneys, "We know and you know that he has not committed any crime. But the case is such that it is the United States of America versus Osho. We will not allow an individual to win a case against the whole great nation of America. We know he has not committed any crime.
"So what we are going to suggest to you is: you accept them and persuade Osho. He has simply to say yes to two crimes - any two crimes, it doesn't matter. We don't want to go to trial, because in trial you are going to win. We don't have any evidence; we have no proof. Your victory is certain, but before your victory Osho's life will be in danger. America would not like to be defeated by a single individual - that you have to understand clearly."
My attorneys were some of the best attorneys in America. They had tears in their eyes when they came to me in jail, and they told me, "We were here to protect you - that no unlawful act is being done - but it seems we are helpless. They are willing to leave you immediately, without any trial, because they know perfectly well that in the trial they have nothing to prove against you.
On the other hand they don't want to be defeated; so the only solution for them is that they will not allow you bail, and they will kill you in the jail. And once you are dead the case will be closed - without any decision about who is the winner."
I was still insistent that I would like to fight the case, even at the risk of my life, but they said, "It is absolutely futile; it is hitting your head against the wall. And just think of your people around the world. There are people who have not eaten for twelve days, since you have been in jail. With tears we pray to you: you simply accept. And we have kept your jet aeroplane's engine running. The moment you are released we want you to be out of America immediately, because we suspect that your life is in danger."
Seeing the whole situation I accepted. I don't even know what crimes I have accepted. I said to my attorneys, "You accept any crimes. I have not committed any, so it doesn't matter. Whichever ones you choose, they are fictitious." The moment I was released I went to the jail to pick up my clothes; and they had planted a bomb under the seat. That was in case I insisted on the trial - then they would finish me then and there. Now, in the jail nobody from outside can plant a bomb except the government itself, except by orders from the White House.
As I came out of the jail, again they served summons to me for another case, so that I cannot leave America immediately. But I threw away their summons in front of them, and within fifteen minutes I had left America. They had debarred me: I cannot enter America for five years, and in reality for fifteen years, in a tricky way. For five years I cannot enter America, absolutely, but after five years I can enter. But if the government finds any crime committed by me, I can be jailed for ten years without any trial.
If they had found right now two crimes, if I enter America after five years, they can find again any crime. And this time there will be no trial; that has been made clear to me. The judge asked me, "Is it clear to you that after five years, if you enter America and the government finds you committing any crime, then there will be no trial? You will be simply sent to jail for ten years."
So in fact, it means for fifteen years they have prevented me from entering America. But they were not satisfied only with that. They asked all the governments which are under American influence to pass resolutions that I cannot enter their countries. And they are pressurizing the Indian government that my voice should be silenced, that no foreign news media should be allowed to approach me, and that my foreign sannyasins should not be allowed to enter the country. And many sannyasins have been sent back from Bombay airport to their own country.
This is absolutely illegal, unconstitutional. But poor countries are indebted to America for money, and America goes on blackmailing them, saying, "If you don't listen then you will not get our future help of billions of dollars. Or we will insist that the financial help that we have given to you in the past, which comes to billions of dollars, should be returned immediately."
This is the world in which we are living. Our so-called religious leaders, our so-called political leaders are really criminals and should be behind bars. But they have all the power.
But truth also has a power of its own.
You can crucify the man, but you cannot crucify his truth.
You can assassinate the man, but you cannot assassinate his truth. And by moving around the world for a whole year I have become absolutely certain that even a single man, if he is sincere and truthful, can fight against the whole world. They may have great power, but they are cowards. They may have nuclear weapons, but they don't have souls. They are just hollow inside - no integrity, no individuality, no realization.
But these people are dominating the world because you go on allowing them to dominate you. You go on allowing the past to influence you. You go on allowing the dead to control you.
At least I would like my people to revolt against all that is rotten and old. Live for the new and move with life - not reluctantly but dancingly and joyously. It is our earth. It belongs to no politician and it belongs to no religious leader; it belongs to no church and it belongs to no nation.
It belongs to those who love life, who sing songs of life, and who are ready to dance and celebrate life. Life belongs to those who can make it a celebration.
OR WAS IT A SERMON OF DEATH THAT CALLED HOLY THAT WHICH CONTRADICTED AND OPPOSED ALL LIFE? - O MY BROTHERS, SHATTER, SHATTER THE OLD LAW-TABLES! - because all the sermons in your so-called holy books are not in favor of life; they are sermons of death. And they are called holy! Then what can we call unholy? They all contradict and oppose life.
This should be remembered as a simple criterion: that which opposes life is unholy; that which praises life, that which makes life lovelier, more beautiful, more enjoyable, that which affirms life and its dignity - that is holy.
To live life in its wholeness is holy.
Okay, Maneesha?
Yes, Osho.