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[VID]Now I feel peaceful, but what happens when I get back to the 'real world'.mp4 59M
[VID]Does truth really work.mp4 45M
[VID]Since this moment is inevitable, I feel at peace. Should I treat the future the same way.mp4 34M
[VID]Why do so many of us struggle, while others seem to live effortlessly.mp4 26M
[VID]Is clinical therapy an effective way of releasing repressed emotions.mp4 26M
[VID]Is living in the moment same as living for the moment.mp4 26M
[VID]Why can't we act in this moment.mp4 23M
[VID]Why does it appear that our minds are hardwired to keep us out of this moment.mp4 21M
[VID]Sadhguru, where are we really Are we in the body, mind or atmosphere.mp4 19M
[VID]What makes one inevitable moment different from the next inevitable moment You said we create the future, but how.mp4 17M
[VID]If I am so well engineered by the creator, why is my mind defective.mp4 16M
[VID]Living in the moment should be easy. Where did I go wrong.mp4 12M
[VID]Why is it difficult to grasp 'this moment'.mp48.8M
[VID]I understand that this moment is inevitable, doesn't this lead me to believe in destiny.mp48.7M
[VID]Can we simply live according to the body's needs.mp46.9M
[VID]How can I accept everything the way it is.mp45.9M
[VID]If this moment is inevitable, can anything really change.mp45.3M
[VID]Is acceptance synonymous with being responsible.mp44.4M