Chapter XVII - 62 | Home | Index | Previous | Next |
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Observing this, Parikshith pleaded piteously, wiping the tears of joy that filled his eyes, "Master! You have made the Lord stand clear before me, with your description of His Leela and His grace. Please tell me more of the many occasions on which the Lord showered His mercy on my grandfathers, how He moved close with them and rescued them from calamity; sleep is deserting my eyes and prompting me to listen to the stories of God. Make this night holy by relating to me the glory of the Lord. That alone can give me satisfaction. Let me spend the night in His thoughts... Your silence is causing me great agony." Vyasa saw the steadfastness and devotion of Parikshith and changed his decision. He said, "Son! Were the mighty miracles of Krishna one or two in number, I could have described them to you. If one had a billion tongues, and the whole of eternity before him, description of His majesty can never be exhausted. All the Gods bowed before Him with folded hands. Sometimes He would raise His Bhakthas to the skies; very soon He will drag them down into the depths. He treated the world as a puppet-show. He was always radiant with His smile. He never knew anxiety, disappointment or distress. He behaved sometimes like a common man, sometimes as an innocent child, at other times as a near kinsman, or as an intimate friend, or as a masterful monarch. Sometimes He behaved as a playful cowherd boy. He had the capacity and cleverness to play all roles with unique distinction. He loved your grandfather Arjuna, with special fervour. He used to take him with Him, whatever the occasion or place. Why, Arjuna could move about freely even in the inner apartments of the residence of the Lord. The Lord used to play with your grandfather in the waters of the Yamuna, diving at one place and rising at a distant spot to surprise him, calling on him to do likewise if he could, competing with him in various games, games which defy description and identification. All of a sudden, He would take Arjuna to a solitary place and converse with him there on some mysteries. He used often to discard the smooth silken bed and sleep with His head on Arjuna's lap, instead." "Your grandfather too, reciprocated that love to the full. Though sometimes they were found angry against each other, talking as if they were enraged, they made up very soon and resumed friendly conversation quickly. My dear son, it can be said that they were Nara and Narayana like the body and the breath; there was no Arjuna without Krishna and no Krishna without Arjuna. There was no secret which your grandfather did not share with Krishna or which Krishna did not share with your grandfather; which particular episode in their relationship am I to tell you now? Ask me any one which would like to hear and I shall gladly relate it to you." |