Chapter XXXII - 113 | Home | Index | Previous | Next |
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"Sthana is the third chief content of a Purana. Everything that is originated in the universe must have some bounds, so that it may serve some purpose. The fixation of these limits, and the processes by which the limits are honoured are all described in the section entitled Sthana, or state. A machine, for example has a key by which alone it can be started. It has also devices by which its work is regulated and stopped. Or else, it will be a source of danger to itself and its users. The establishment of such regulatory devices is the subject, comprised under Sthana." "The next distinguishing mark of a Purana is the inclusion in it of a section on Poshana: Fostering, guarding, preservation from harm. To put the matter simply, all fostering, guidance, and preservation are included in the one comprehensive subject of divine grace. The sapling that is planted has to be fostered with love and care, all creation is thus fostered by the grace of the creator." "The next is Manvanthara, the chronology of Manu which every Purana contains.
"Oothi is the next sign of the Purana. Oothi means, the consequence of the activity, its impact on one's nature and career. The nature of each life is determined by the impact of the activities of the entity in previous lives. It is not assigned by a wayward God. God treats all alike; men forge their fates differently through their own waywardness and wilfulness. Oothi deals with this aspect." "Isanucharitha is another subject dealt with in the Puranas. It means, the glories of Isa or God and the manifold ways in which men have experienced the might and majesty, the sweetness and light, that the glory represents." "Then, we find in the Puranas, the Lakshana or aspect dealing with Nirodha, or, absorption. The Lord absorbs within Himself all the glory that He makes manifest; he then goes into the sleep of Yoga, until the divine impulse to manifest again disturbs the divine equipoise." "Mukthi is another subject all Puranas dilate upon. It means the liberation of man, from the bonds of ignorance, Ajnana, which keep him encased. That is to say, man has to be liberated from the awareness that he is the body in which he is encased; he must be made aware that he is the Atma, the soul which is the reality thus encased." |