Chapter XXXIV - 123 | Home | Index | Previous | Next |
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"The blue boy was the master of subterfuge and diplomacy. He saw through every artifice, however cleverly camouflaged. When the Ogress Puthana approached Him as mother to feed Him at her breast, He pretended to be taken in by that stratagem; He sucked her life out and felled her to the ground. Many an Asura came near Him to destroy Him, some assuming the familiar forms of the cowherds and milkmaids of the village; but, He discovered their identity and dispatched them to the city of death. One Asura took the form of a calf, and moved among the calves and cows which Krishna was tending, awaiting an opportunity to kill Him! But, the three year-old divine infant saw through the device; He caught him by the tail, raised him, swung him one round and beat him on the ground, so that he breathed his last." "Such strength and skill were quite out of proportion to that infant form. But, he demonstrated His divinity in a million ways, in order to convert and convince men. He taught every one, whether they were elders, women, or crooks, or His own kinsmen and well-wishers. He advised them into good ways. He entangled some of them in dilemmas. His maternal uncle, Kamsa, was drunk with imperial power and savage audacity. He caught him by the tuft of hair, pulled him down from the throne, fisted him to death, and dragged the body along the main thoroughfare right down to the bank of the Yamuna! The entire population of the city of Mathura saw in every act of His, a wondrous mixture of the amazing, the astounding, the sweet, the charming, the enticing, the beautiful and the simple." "While yet an infant, He ended the lives of Puthana, Thrnavartha, and Sakatasura; He was then, a tiny thief in search of butter in every home! When His mother tied Him to a wooden mortar, He dragged it behind Him, and with it, He pulled down two giant trees, growing together. He curbed the conceit and fury of the serpent Kaliya, which poisoned the waters of the Yamuna and made them disastrous for men and cattle. When His mother attempted to tie Him up with a rope round His waist, He revealed to her His universal form, the form in which the entire universe was found to be but a part of Him. The parents and the people of Gokula were wonder-struck at the remarkable experience of His divinity. Through His yawn, He showed them the macrocosm and the microcosm, both!" "He showed His dear cowherd comrades His paradise, which knew no grief or loss (Vaikunta). He persuaded Nanda to stop the usual Puja for Indra and to offer worship to the Govardhana hill, instead. When the Rain-God Indra, stung by this neglect, poured terrible rains on the village, Krishna held aloft on His little finger the Govardhana hill inviting the entire village to take shelter under it!" "He raised the cowherd boys and maids into ecstatic moods, by means of His playful pranks and His melodious music on the flute. To interpret this as low and sensuous is a sign of foolishness." "When Krishna danced in the moonlight, with the maids, each maid having a concrete Krishna by her side, it is interpreted by low minded persons as laxity of morals and as a vulgar pastime. There is no basis for such inference at all. Krishna was only five or six years old when these miraculous incidents took place; how, then, can the experience be condemned as lascivious? The Lord has no attributes or qualities. The Rasa Kreeda, as this incident is called, is but a means of rendering the Gopis worthy of grace, an example of devotion and the fruit of devotion, dedication. The Lord was showering on them the grace they had earned by their meritorious acts. It was a boon, a blessing." |