Chapter XXXV - 129 | Home | Index | Previous | Next |
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Meanwhile, Suka opened his eyes. He said: "Maharaja! How lucky was this Uddhava! While showing him the places where they sported with Krishna, the Gopis took him to Govardhanagiri also. When he saw the place, the wonder of Uddhava increased even more. For, he could see on the rocks and the hard ground the footprints of Krishna, the Gopas and the Gopis, as clear as when they walked long ago in that area. When they neared the Govardhanagiri, the Gopis felt the agony of separation from Krishna so poignantly that they broke into sobs. They were aware of Him only; they merged in thoughts of Him only. When all of them called out in one voice 'Krishna!', the trees that stood around were thrilled into exhilarated horripilation. They swayed their arms and began to moan in sadness. Uddhava observed with his own eyes how separation from Krishna had affected and afflicted, not only the Gopas and Gopis of Brindavan, but, even its hills and trees. Maharaja! What more shall I say? Uddhava saw scenes that transcend belief. He was overwhelmed with amazement; he was also humbled". At this, the King was eager to know further. He said, "Master! How did that happen? If there is no objection, please enlighten me on that point also". When he prayed thus, Suka answered, "Raja! The awareness of the Gopis had become one with the consciousness of Krishna; so they noticed nothing else, none else. Every stone, every tree they saw, they saw as Krishna; they held on to it calling out 'Krishna! Krishna!' That made the stones and trees feel the agony of separation from Krishna, and they too melted in the heat of that grief, so that teardrops fell from the points of the leaves. The stones softened with the tears they exuded. See, how amazing these scenes must have been! The axiom, 'All is alive' (Sarvam Sajivam) was proved true, in this manner, to him. The stones and trees of Brindavan demonstrated to Uddhava that there is nothing that is devoid of consciousness and life." "Those who are unable to grasp the glory of the Gopis, the Bhakthi that melted stone and drew sobs of grief from the trees, have no right to judge and pronounce a verdict; if they do, they only reveal that their intelligence is more inert than rocks and boulders. Inert minds can never grasp the splendours of Krishna-chandra, who is the sovereign of the universe, who captivates the universe by His beauty and power. Only the clearest and the purest intelligence can grasp it." "Similarly, Uddhava noticed at Brindavan that evening a novel feature. As Brahmins and the other twice-born persons engage at sunset in the worship of fire through ceremonial ritual, the Gopis lit the hearths in their homes, bringing cinders or live flames from neighbouring houses in shells or plates of clay. But, Uddhava noticed that the first house to light the lamp and hearth was the house of Nanda, the house where Krishna grew and played; he saw that as soon as the light shone in Nanda's house, the Gopis went to that place, one after the other, with lamps in their hands, to have them lit auspiciously therefrom. They carried the lamps thus lit, to their own homes. Uddhava sat on the step of the village hall and watched the lamps go by." |