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The Jagath, this passing show, is based on Maya. That is why it is branded 'false'. But do not conclude that a mere recognition of the falsity of the world or an awareness that one has certain shortcomings will lead man along the higher path and take him to the Highest Truth. If he has not got a good character full of sterling qualities, he can never achieve progress in the spiritual field. Progress depends on the worth and quality of the individual, as the harvest depends on the fertility of the field. Upon a worthy piece of land, sow the seeds of sterling qualities and irrigate with the waters of reason and analysis; the plentiful harvest will be ready in due time! On lands where the seedlings of good qualities are not planted and tended, useless weeds multiply; and where orderly gardens could have been formed, thorny bushes create a jungle of impenetrable confusion. Even if a person through perversity or blind conceit, has so far not cultivated good qualities, he can at least make a try or carry on efforts to secure them! If this is not done, he cannot taste the excellence of life; his life is a waste; its worth is nil. The mind, by sheer force of these opposing forces, gets lost in false values and is unable to develop on the right lines. Such a mind, turned away from good, might cause indescribable evil. All progress won by the Sadhaka might be destroyed by such a mind in an unguarded moment like a spark falling, due to a second's negligence, on a keg of gun powder! There are some who try to be quality-less; but they achieve only living death. Their pale faces reveal only lack of zest and interest. This is the result of unreasoned haste in spiritual discipline. Though becoming quality-less is ultimately needed, there should be no hurry to reach the goal; even though a person may have the ardour, it very often leads to dilemmas, which many solve by means of suicide! First, one must accumulate the wealth of character. Since they evince no interest in earning this qualification, many stalwart Sadhakas have lost their way and not regained it in spite of years of effort! Others have slipped into the morass through which they were wading! Therefore, the path of achieving the absence of qualities is strewn with dangers. One cannot exist without activity; so, one must of necessity act through 'good' qualities. One must put down all desires and become free. The mind filled with good qualities will help in this process; for it will bear other's prosperity gladly. It will give up doing injury; it will seek opportunities to help, to heal and to foster. It will not only suffer, it will also pardon. It will not incline towards the false, it will be on the alert to speak the truth; it will remain unruffled by lust, greed, anger and conceit; it will be free from delusion; it will seek always the welfare of the world. From such a mind will flow an uninterrupted stream of Love. When this mind matures and attains fruition, it easily becomes free of
all qualities - placid, calm and pure. It easily merges in the One Atma
without a second. |