Chapter IX - 48 | Home | Index | Previous | Next |
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As the body is for the Jivi, the world is for the Lord. Whatever happens in any part of the body affects the Jivi; so too, all that affects any part of the world moves the Lord; He becomes cognisant of it and He reacts to it. Just as you are interested in all the limbs of the body being in perfect trim, the Lord too is interested in seeing that every country and every part of the world is happy and contented. Can He, will He, harm any country which is primarily a part of Himself? In matters relating to the Lord all have equal rights; all are equal. Yet, one limb cannot carry out the duties of another; each must do the task allotted to it. So too, each Varna must carry out its allotted share of the activities of society and contribute its best to the welfare of the country. As the body has stages, society has the Varnas. If all start trading who will be the buyers? If all are engaged in fighting who is to provide the wherewithal for their upkeep and maintenance: the food, the armour and the equipment? So, each one has to do his share of social activity and ensure peace, harmony and happiness. That is the wise course, the best organisation of society. Now, instead of attending to essential tasks, people are engaged in internecine struggle fearing that the Varnas are great obstacles to progress. How can people who are unable to keep their body under control keep the country within limits? Consider that the fostering of the Varna system, which has been fostered so long by the ancients, is the most beneficial thing that has to be done. The Lord has not shown any partiality while organising the Varnas. He has no such trait in Him. Some persons ask, why should the Lord have such differences? No, He has no sense of inferior or superior. He is sweet all over, as a lump of sugar. All differences and distinctions are the property of Jivis, who do not know the Atmic reality; they are illusions of the Jivis who falsely identify themselves with the non-Atma. Consider this example: A mother has four children; but she does not pay the other three as much attention and care as she gives to the child in the cradle. Even if the child does not call out for it, she is ever vigilant to give it food. The other three have to come and worry her for food and things to play with. Observing this, you cannot pronounce her a bad mother or a partial mother. The mother adjusts her activities to the capacity and ability of the child. So too, though the entire world is His, though all are His children, He has fixed upon each a part of the responsibility of the work of society, according to the capacity and ability. To ascribe faults to such selfless, sincere, simple, ever-blissful providence is like attributing darkness to the sun! Darkness and the rays of the sun cannot exist together; how then can the sun be the home of darkness? People who carp so at the sun do not know the sun at all. It is sheer folly, complete ignorance. |