Chapter X - 55 | Home | Index | Previous | Next |
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The natures of the Gurus and Sishyas of today are in keeping with the low standards of today. In ancient times a Guru could be found only with great difficulty; thousands of eager seekers searched in the forests for them, for they were so rare and so precious. Now, Gurus are available at every street corner by the dozen but true Sishyas are declining in number. Both are deteriorating fast and each is becoming as the other, suited to the other's level. The Gurus have been reduced to necessity of feeding and fostering Sishyas; not that it is wrong, when the Sishyas are worthy; but the Gurus are afraid of the Sishyas deserting them and so they have to cater to their tastes and fancies. The Sishyas claim to be Guruputhras, to be Asramavasis, Sadhakas, etc., but their lives are untouched by the Asram atmosphere, Sadhana or Sadhu qualities. They have not even elementary gratitude to the Guru. They mouth slogans like Krishnarpanam but their acts reveal only Deha-arpanam (dedication to the body, not to God)! Besides, the Sishyas lay down conditions! Their desire for recreation, easy living and comfort has to be honoured by the Guru. The Guru must ensure the happiness of the Sishya without insisting on any Sadhana, or causing any loss or worry. Moksha must fall like a fruit right into their lap. The Guru should not recommend any rigorous discipline or rule of life. The Guru must respect all the wishes of the Sishya. If he goes against him, the Guru is immediately given up and condemned. |