Chapter XI - 57 | Home | Index | Previous | Next |
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Householders who carry out their duties are anyway preferable to such Sadhus; they follow their Asrama dharma and they tread the correct path in unceasing remembrance of the Lord and so these householders realise the goal. If the nature of the Gurus and Sishyas of today is to be considered, volumes can be written; but that will be using precious time for inessential discussion. So we shall revert to our main topic. For, even to dwell in the sacred Guru-sishya bond of Krishna-Arjuna in the same breath as the relationship of the present day "Gurus" and "Sishyas" will be a sacrilege. They are unique, incomparable, the supreme pair, unapproachable by any other. They have to be taken as the ideal by all aspirants and teachers. Arjuna bowed in humility and carried out sincerely the prospects of the Guru. Krishna fostered what was really beneficial to Arjuna; He paid full consideration to what will really promote the reputation, the Atma-ananda and the Dharma of Arjuna. He tended him and fended him, as the very breath of His life. That was the type of Guru the Lord was for him. Krishna is Parama-atma; Arjuna is Jiva-atma; Krishna is Purushothama; Arjuna is Narothama. That is the reason why they are the ideal Guru-Sishya. Others are Guru-Sishya only in name. Self willed Sishyas and power-drunk Gurus are simply wasting their lives in vain pursuits. Krishna is an ocean of Prema; He watched over Arjuna as one watches over the eye or the heart. He taught holiness and transformed into holiness; He loved and was loved beyond compare. That makes the Guru a genuine guru. And Arjuna? He too is no ordinary being. His Thyaga is unapproachable. Whatever the crisis, he stuck to Krishna's command and Krishna's word; he wore the comradeship with the Lord as the armour that will save him from all harm, as the very body in which he dwelt, as something which he must foster, strengthen and guard; though a mighty force, he was ready to efface it when necessary. This is how Guru and Sishya should be bound together. The Lord who is the embodiment of Prema realised the sincerity of the disciple and estimated his attainments and then detailed to him the benefits and glory of Atma-jnana. "Kauntheya," He said, "by means of Jnana, you can see in yourself and in Me, all things; then duality and the consequent delusion will disappear, as darkness disperses before the rising sun." "Arjuna, I know well your past and the background of your birth. Yours is no ordinary birth; you are born with divine (Daivi) accomplishments and heritage. I alone am aware of it, no one else. Since you are unaware of it, you are now condemning yourself as a sinner who kills kith and kin, teachers and elders." |