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It has to be made clear that life thrives on death. Life is based on death. One living thing consumes another, in order that it may live. The strong trample on the weak. This tale of terror continues unceasingly. That is the very nature of this world. Seeing this, people conclude that, if the world was created by God He should be Cruelty itself. Such inference appears justified from the ordinary man's point of view. But, the Bharathiya Paramartha Vahini, the Pure Stream of Bharathiya Spiritual Culture declares that this is not true at all! God is not the cause of either misery or joy, of good fortune or bad, it announces. Then, who brings about the evil and the good? We ourselves, is the answer. Rain falls equally on ploughed land as well as unploughed. Only the ploughed land derives benefit therefrom. The clouds are not to blame. The fault lies in the ignorant idler who lets his land lie fallow. The Grace of God is ever at hand; it has no 'more or less', no ups or downs. We draw upon it, more or less, or let it go by, or use it for our good. The question might arise "For what reason are some born in happiness and some in misery? They have done neither good nor evil, to be treated so unequally. True, they have done nothing in this life, they are only just born. But, they had done good or evil, in previous lives. The consequence of what was done in the previous life has to be experienced in this life. Now, we can arrive at two conclusions on which all sects of Hinduism are agreed. The Buddhists and the Jains also accept these two. Every one of us has a firm belief, that life is eternal. It could not have originated from nothing. That is impossible. If it has come out of inert slime or mud, it would have been inert and inactive. All things put together will disintegrate. All that is bound by Time will end in time. If life started only yesterday, it cannot last beyond tomorrow. If it has roots, the roots shall go dry and the tree cannot survive for ever. Life must have been existent ever since the Cosmos has been in existence. It does not require arguments to understand this truth. Do we not see that all modern sciences are tending to confirm more and more assuringly and clearly the revelations made in the texts and scriptures of Bharath? This too has to be accepted some day. |